
New Member
I understand that a blank clock is a common fault on the freelander! I had this problem with mine it was as dead as a dodo and nothing was showing nothing. After looking on e-bay and seeing at least £30 for a rover (red display) £50-£60 for a genuine f lander one I thought I'd pull it to pieces and try to mend it. The result after 1 x 64p mouse mat, 1 squirt of zippo lighter fluid (£1 for a tin )and less than an inch of cellotape one perfectly good working display with no blank spots.

It's amazing how the thought of paying over the odds for something can motivate you into trying something!
Darrnw said:
I'd pull it to pieces and try to mend it. The result after 1 x 64p mouse mat, 1 squirt of zippo lighter fluid (£1 for a tin )and less than an inch of cellotape one perfectly good working display with no blank spots.

It's amazing how the thought of paying over the odds for something can motivate you into trying something!
Nice one Darrnw!
Thats wot i like to see, bit of ingee--ingi--finkin about it.:)
I did the same trick with the cellotape. Stuck it on me eyes,
the wife looked much better (still has the same blank spots tho);)
I played copycat on Darrnw and so far so good it's still working, however when it's parked in the sun for some time (not these last days however as raining cats and dogs now and will still do the coming days) I have the impression (I know it for sure) the bottom of some digits became blur, not the bright black anymore all over the digits but the bottom row seems to suffer a little of the heath. The digits are still all there and complete where in the past entire digits were missing but the bottom looks faded out a little on let's say 1/3rd of the digits.
So what did you do with the lighter fluid and selotape? My display is buggered and I'm now wondering if that's why I can't sell the motor.
marksurry said:
So what did you do with the lighter fluid and selotape? My display is buggered and I'm now wondering if that's why I can't sell the motor.
Think he set it alight. . .;)
Oh great! I set fire to my display and it's totally ruined now, doesn't even fit back in the dash :(
That can't be right can it? May be I used too much lighter fluid?
marksurry said:
Oh great! I set fire to my display and it's totally ruined now, doesn't even fit back in the dash :(
That can't be right can it? May be I used too much lighter fluid?
Yes i'm not happy,did the same thing in ma rocket last night flying past Mog , Mrs Ming had to put it out as we had no water, and i,d wet myself anyhow WITH FEAR . . .;)
marksurry said:
Oh great! I set fire to my display and it's totally ruined now, doesn't even fit back in the dash :(
That can't be right can it? May be I used too much lighter fluid?
Yer may as well finish it off now, and claim on the insurance
I must point out that MONDO dose not condone this sort of behavior and is in no way responsible for the actions of an IDIOT;)
Mondo, that would be naughty if I done that. She's on Ebay now as a last ditch attempt to sell her. She must go by next weekend :( Company car will be here in a couple of weeks I reckon.
marksurry said:
Mondo, that would be naughty if I done that. She's on Ebay now as a last ditch attempt to sell her. She must go by next weekend :( Company car will be here in a couple of weeks I reckon.
Youll regret it!!!!;)
Beleive me when I say It's hard to get rid of the Hippo. Me and the misses want to keep the Hippo but a company car makes so much sense at the moment, no running costs at all :)
marksurry said:
Beleive me when I say It's hard to get rid of the Hippo. Me and the misses want to keep the Hippo but a company car makes so much sense at the moment, no running costs at all :)
Very suprised if yer cannot sell it as it looks the bees knees, dont think all this bad talk bout 4x4s helps , or could now be the fuel factor, i considerd a v6 for a long time ,as i drove one and was well impressed. . .:)
£550 I'll take very good care of it for you Mark, then you can come up to Yorkshire wenever yer want and av a play in it
I suspect some one from Landyzone has all reay viewed the Ebay auction AND asked me a kind of dumb question.

Of course it comes with Curling Tong Adaption :)
To click into the topic, my radio display played up again today, car was parked in the sun for a couple of hours and it went bananas again as before. Real POS that display.
Apologies for the late reply! Not been at my comp for a few days!
Any way here goes for those who are interested PLEASE NOTE I hold no responsiblity for any damage caused by attempting this! Mine is still working perfectly I made a slight alteration from the mouse mat to masking tape but my screen as I say mine was dead but now works perfect in any conditions (heater on sunlight etc) If you've a knackered clock it may be worth trying

1 Pull the clock to pieces you should have a lcd screen attached by a ribbon to a pcb.Carefully peal away the ribbon from the board. You may notice that the connections are black on the Pcb put some lighter fluid or similar fluid on a piece of kitchen roll and clean the connections these will then go back to the original brass colour! Then gently wipe over the ribbon connector no need to go too daft cleaning this. Then get a piece of cellotape slightly larger than the ribbon and stick it to it. Next place the pcb down and line the ribbon back up with the connections lining up don't worry if it isn't pushing them together as long as they are lined up.You can turn the pcb over and hold put some tape on the other side to hold it more securely in place.

2 There should be a piece of rubber that wraps around the white plastic part of the clock make sure this is in place this is the thing that presses the ribbon to the board. Give this a wipe with the lighter fluid to make sure it is clean.

3 Get some masking tape(This was used to replace a mouse mat gasket I made but didn't hold it's shape, it compressed too much) cover the screen (side that you would see) with 7 or 8 pieces so that you have a reasonable thickness over the entire screen. Then carefully trim the tape with a craft knife so it is the same size as the complete screen.

4 Re assemble the clock.

5 You will notice you can't see the screen because of the masking tape. Again VERY Carefully,go around the edge of the screen with craft knife so that you can then peal of the tape to reveal the display.

6 Try it and all being well you have a working display if you have any blank spots remove screen and put more layers of masking tape on the screen to build up the thickness further and trim as before.

Hopefully this will help some of you and as I say It worked perfectly for me but I take no responsibilty for anybody who trys it and it doesn't work for. Maybe try it as a last resort that's what I did and I saved the price of a clock.
Yep must say i,m well impressed with that last thread ,well written,good techno , pound saver and common sense , shame i had ta burn ma rocket waiting for the last bit, [life is a bitch], but very good info. . .:D

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