He ended up on the hard shoulder, one wheel off his unit's back axle went to the left of the hard shoulder and the other bounced over the central reservation and came to a halt when it hit my cab.44 tonne of artic takes some stopping,I couldn't swerve because I had 4 cars alongside me.
Mate, you should write a book.. I followed two wagon drivers today on the motorway home from the dentists, both swerving and fûcking about with something in their cab. Not in relation to your previous misfortune. But it is scary 40 odd ton of danger... Really.. To think of the simple things that would kill people hundreds of years ago like the common cold and now it's even scarier stuff... Like random wheels on a motorway... Rant done, I'm glad your your doing well. ;)
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Mate, you should write a book.. I followed two wagon drivers today on the motorway home from the dentists, both swerving and fûcking about with something in their cab. Not in relation to your previous misfortune. But it is scary 40 odd ton of danger... Really.. To think of the simple things that would kill people hundreds of years agoike the common cold and now it's even scarier stuff... Like random wheels on a motorway... Rant done, I'm glad your your doing well. ;)
The Devil takes care of his own my mum always used to say.;):D
Mate, you should write a book.. I followed two wagon drivers today on the motorway home from the dentists, both swerving and fûcking about with something in their cab. Not in relation to your previous misfortune. But it is scary 40 odd ton of danger... Really.. To think of the simple things that would kill people hundreds of years ago like the common cold and now it's even scarier stuff... Like random wheels on a motorway... Rant done, I'm glad your your doing well. ;)

I know drivers that used to tuck up to the rumble-strip so it would wake them off if they wandered. I've woken up drivers with my horn in the past when I've seen they've dozed off at the wheel. Probably harder these days with modern trackers and tachos but anyone who has worked the roads will have seen some ****.

Best one was a truck of whiskey that turned over on the M25. Customs and excise were on tge scene within the hour and wanted every bottle accounted for, even if it was just the neck of the bottle. Clearly got people sitting idle.
No still got both dining tables and all ten chairs, other problems took president ,one day at a time at the moment .;):D

You need to tell the enemy that all this DIY and reorganisation is killing you. Mind you, maybe that's her plan.

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