
Well-Known Member
Hi guys.
If the rear door on a 90 has the frame rusted out in the bottom and te paint is bubling on the outside (bottom also) can this be done as a good fix or is it a total replacement.
Also, the rear cross member!! Metal axle frame under rear door!! has a couple of rust holes showing from back. Is this a tricky thing to totally replace and how long would it take and should it cost. They all seem to be going here.

Looking for direction for consideration when buying.
Many thanks.
Doors can be repaired, you just need to buy the pre-fab steel sections.

Rear cross member isn't as daunting as it sounds, providing you're a competent welder and have the balls to dig in with an angle grinder and chop the old one out. Infact it's easier on a 90 because the fuel tank isn't back there.

Just get your measurements right :D
Well i've never done any welding in my life lol.
That's why i was wondering about what would be the sort of cost to be expected.

i've looked at some right rotten ones this week and am wondering if there's anything decent out there when your limiting yourself to a 3-4000 budget.
Well i've never done any welding in my life lol.
That's why i was wondering about what would be the sort of cost to be expected.

i've looked at some right rotten ones this week and am wondering if there's anything decent out there when your limiting yourself to a 3-4000 budget.

yes you will find a good one for that price

also welding is not hard, you will save a lot of money if you buy a welder and practice on some scrap
Welding isn't difficult, but it can be difficult to do right without some tuition. Be that either by a competent welder, or by picking things up online.

It's all too easy to point a MIG torch at some metal and create a puddle of spattered w@nk that joins, but has no integrity whatsoever.

I've re-MOTd a car before that the owner had patched the sills up following a failure. He wasn't too impressed when I very gently prized off the 'patch' with a screwdriver.
I must look into where i can learn to do this locally as i'm planning on getting a landrover that's gonna need doing at some point judging by all i'm seeing.
Can't believe the cheek people are having asking the sort of money they are for some of them. It's atrocious.
£4000 for a H reg 90, off rd prepared sounded nice from all descriptions.
When i got there.. bulk head clearly rusted on both sides, even the thin part above the vents up to wiper arms. Foot well patched on passenger side and drivers side had a massive hole in it in the right hand corner to the point you could see the road. Rear cross member had previously been replaced and already showing rust through again. All but 1 suspension support had been welded up or new welded on and looked like an untidy job at that. The other 1 was an advisory on mot sheet. Every door had lost its bottom frame to rust and the drivers which i was told had been welded was only welded where the hinge was giving out and the door couldn't shut without being lifted. Other patches were very patchily welded onto chasis also. Engine rocker cover was very obviously leaking oil.
First thing i asked him when i opened the door and touched the seat was, has it been left with the window open. Everything inside was soaked and the roof lining was all drab and damp.Struggled to open the bonnet as the catch was all caught up. Had to use a lever.
There were a few other things also but, how the hell was that £4000 and how did he fail to mention any of this in the description or on the phone.

That was only one of the 2 on saturday.
I must look into where i can learn to do this locally as i'm planning on getting a landrover that's gonna need doing at some point judging by all i'm seeing.
Can't believe the cheek people are having asking the sort of money they are for some of them. It's atrocious.

If you're looking around just locally, you probably need to expand your search area. When I was looking for a 110 CSW, I live in North Somerset and ended up as far as Halifax and Essex looking at a load of toss. Loads of fuel and miles later I found just what I wanted 20 miles up the road,:rolleyes: It was deal done and back home in a couple of hours, that included a cup of tea and a look round the narrow boat the chap lives on!
So don't give up looking, keep hold of yer cash till you find some thing decent, look further afield, and just at the point when you've been out all day looking at someone's pile of crap for sale, you may stumble on a winner yards from home.
Good luck, keep looking.
No, not just looking locally. Have been looking towards yorkshire etc a lot. The ones i looked at over w'end were 2.5 hrs away and the one i'm going to look at next is 2hrs away.
Like you say though, as soon as i buy 1 another will turn up just up the rd.
I must look into where i can learn to do this locally as i'm planning on getting a landrover that's gonna need doing at some point judging by all i'm seeing.
Can't believe the cheek people are having asking the sort of money they are for some of them. It's atrocious.

Your local night school / college will have courses.
Cheers Dippypud.
Unfortunately i am a full time carer for my son who has problems and i run a business with my mrs working till 8pm min every night so my time in eves is very short.
Will see if i can get a morning course though so thanks for pointing me in that direction.

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