Evnin' Mondo, bit early for the rest, or they've been for a trip with Ming and are lost in deepest outer space.
Ha ha, I'm here now.

Side steps look good and are hard to fit using riv-nuts. You need arms like Popeye to squeeze them home. Only 8 but real hard. Worth the effort though. Makes cleening the roof so much easier :D
Just out of intrest chaps!
dose anyone know of any side bars that have a reciever for using a High Lift jack????
Well !

I'm missin Play time in me disco.
So I were just wunderin about some bits to protect me sills and the underneith and exhaust box and a 2" lift and some steel wheels and and and
" I want me tractor back"
MMMmmm I'm ok now! Panic over Aahhh!

Ey if yer bored, Start a poll on how far yer recon coling gets on his holls, pullin his caravan (giggle)
Hey Guys Sidesteps Are Now Fitted,rung My Local 4x4 Garage He Said Ille Loan You The Tool To Do The Rivnuts,went To The Garage To Get The Tool He Said Might As Well Do It For You Now,while The Ramp Is Empty(what A Bonus)the Misses Was With Me While He Was Fitting The Rivnuts To The Chassis She Asked Him If He Could Fit The Steps Too,he Said Yes If You Give Me Something Towards The Tea Bar,the Boss Had Left Half An Hour Previous,the Bracket I Was Talking About Was Meant To Have A Slight Bend In It But He Said It Had Been Bent Further,with The Help Of A Big Hammer He Did The Business With Them And Fitted Them In About 10 Minuites,all He Wanted Was A Fiver,so I Gave Him 10 What A Result.....and Made A Friend In My Local 4x4 Garage Too,he Said He Would Do My Oil Change For A Fiver Too,when Its Due,no Reciepts Though...lol
Thanks For All The Help And Advice Guys Much Appreciated Jiffy
Nice one Jiffy!

I just dont understand where some people get the idea that these places are out to mug everyone that sets foot in the place:rolleyes:
mondo said:
Nice one Jiffy!

I just dont understand where some people get the idea that these places are out to mug everyone that sets foot in the place:rolleyes:

Some people get lucky I guess. My local garage is good like that :cool:
marksurry said:
Some people get lucky I guess. My local garage is good like that :cool:

Oh Yer!
Like the last time you went there eh!
Went in wi the V6 hippo walked out with a MG:rolleyes: :D

Nothing wrong with the MG Mondo. It handles corners like you'd never beleive.
I was following a Freelander through the country lanes last night and to be honest he was giving is some serious welly. Didn't think Freelanders could go round corners that fast :)

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