
Active Member
hi all. ive got hold of a cobra car alarm with CDL compatable output , anyone know if i need to fit a soloniod in the drivers door to make the alarm lock the door or can i wire it to the back of the centre console switch , and if anybody knows what wires to cut so i can connect my window closer to it as well that would be realy helpfull..this has to be more relable that the factory fitted alarm.:)
i dont think you need to fit a soloniod to the drivers door if you can lock and unlock the central locking from the passenger side i think its only cars with half central locking that need them these days.
id use a relay and find the wire on the door locking switch BUT i dont think you would be able to superlock it (deadlock) as the l r key fob needs pressing twice.
not sure about the windows unless they lock when you turn and hold the key in the drivers door like vectras
then there would be a way of doing it.
try ebay for total closers relays there are some home made ones on there for vauxhalls you might find 1 for a freelander
did you get this sorted mate, i've come up with a total closure solution for the hippo, including mirror closure.

this has all been worked out in my head, so its open to varibles that i havent yet actually tested. your feedback would be great.

1, firstly you have to find a way of actually knowing when the car is locked and alarmed. it wouldbt be possible to use the central locking output as this can be activated while driving using the dash switch.

the alarm its self has an output that changes start to drive the LED indicator on the dash, now, i dont know what voltage this is, but that isnt important, the only thing i dont know is how wether its a perminant connection, or pulsed every time the indicator is required to flash. great if its the first, alittle harder is its the latter.

2 Windows
you will need to mimic the II stage ignition to the Windows CCU (i invisage not hard) and install a set of relays, one per a window, so, eith 3 or 5 (or 6 with power sunroof) to mimic the switch being pressed "up"

the relays have to be used as i gather the CCU senses the window motors stalling as no limit switches are present. if there were limit switchs, 12volts could just be applied to the motors without having to re-power the CCU to ignition II stage.

anyway, these relays would have to be activated via a timed relay, off the top of my head 10 seconds should be about rite. you'd have to time your windows when the engine is off and they are dry.

3 Mirrors
not (yet) having power fold mirrors myself i can only assume the following.
the mirrors have a ECU, i dont know wether they work with the ignition off, probably not, but if they did i expect they only work for 40 seconds similar to the electric windows.
so, firstly, tricking the ECU into thinking the ignition is on, just like the windows CCU.
Secondly would be to mimic the close command. i believe the user just tabs down on the stick once, i'm guessing this then just commands the mirror ECU to close the windows, but if there is alittle more wizzardry involved then another method will have to be found. anway, i'm sure a relay will be used somewhere.

rite, back to section 1. if the alarm LED cannot be used due to the mannor its controled then i was thinking of a few other ways to confirm the car is locked.

a, is the volumetric sensor always powered or is it only powered when the alarm is on?

b, running a circuit in series with both indicator circuits and the lock side of the central locking. thus only complecint the circuit when both L and R indicators flash and the doors lock at the same time.
i know you could manually cause this to happen by having your hazzards on and locking the doors at the same time the lights are illuminicated, but how often is that going to happen?

well, either way we can get the trigger off the alarm, that would have to be fed into a "one time" timed unit to supply power to the CCU's for 30 or so seconds.

1, get confirmation car is locked and alarmed
2, activate timed unit
3, trick CCU and ECU's into thinking ignition is on
4, supply signals to Windows CCU and Mirrors ECU commanding close
5, drop timed circuit now with windows up and mirrors in.

Anyone have any better ideas?

UC - don't think the LED feed is an option since this has a constant live and pulsing earth - checking through the diagrams on RAVE to see if there's constant earth when armed for ya.
My 04 doesn't have volumetric, not sure I like the indicators/locking combo -sounds too complex.
the incicators and lock is probably the easyest option, but its also the one that would cive you a false positive,

plusing earth for the led? thats a but weird, even so, that makes things alittle. assuming its a true earth, and not just a 0volts, eitherway, keepling the supply and earth relitive, fit a small relay, so that when the led pulses so does the relay, then have that feed a timed delay relay. Therefor, the pulsing relay will keep the timed relay "topped up" giving you a relay that will change state when the car is locked, and when unlocked will drop off a few seconds later. Use that to drive a onetime flip flop relay and your done. alarm state signalling.

i'm sure there must be a circut somewhere that would do the same, but without knowing if that exists this is the only other way really.

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