
New Member
More advice needed please. Have just fitted canvas hood (full) on my IIA for the first time. How do I get the front part tight around the door tops & screen top? Theres a flat tape that runs around the edge & under the sharks teeth, but what do I do with the ends of it? What order do I tighten things up? Do I need to secure this part of the hood before I do anythinhg else to get it tight? Also how-on-earth do you tighten those MOD brass buckles on the hood straps where the middle of the outer bar is missing. Whenever I try to tighten them the strap pops out through the middle gap. I'm sure it can be done - I just can't see how! Advice gratefully received.
Tilts and how to tie them down….

(This topic was the idea of and written by Richard Bilbé and I have added some of my experiences along the way.)

Before we start…why “tilt” ? is question that crops up as often as how to tie them down.

The Oxford English Dictionary tells us that tilt is an Anglo-Saxon word for a canvas (or other course type cloth) covering, tent or awning. Later in the middle ages it extended to covers for small boats and later still covers for farm wagons. Similar to a tarpaulin.
This “agricultural” usage would have been the natural Land Rover description for the canvas cover, as Land Rovers were conceived and designed for agricultural and farming use.

Here is a LR diagram of what entails a canvas or tilt cover…

Go to the http://www.series2club.info/forum/index.php?topic=16701.0 for the full thing, all types of hood and its well coverd


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