The more I think about it, the more I think none of us have actually answered your question. It probably would be possible fitting A/C on a Series 3. I'm no expert but, if you put your mind to it, you can probably figure out a way to do it.
The more I think about it, the more I think none of us have actually answered your question. It probably would be possible fitting A/C on a Series 3. I'm no expert but, if you put your mind to it, you can probably figure out a way to do it.

possible but about as much use as a chocolate teapot!!! running a/c in a car with the window open is pointless, now we all know you don't need a window open in a series to get a draught;)
you are right.

as i see it thay are just plumbed into the cab and belt driven. making a bracket to hold the unit wont be to hard and there is space to add another belt.

look at car builders solutions. a kit car website but i reckon they will have a simple compact AC unit.
I don't know which is more shocking.... Trying to use a Series everyday or trying to fit air con to one :p

I'd be worried about meeting 'clients' in a Series, probably won't give the right impression :p
why not fit a bigger alt, get a few of those 12v fridges and leave the doors open ?

better off fillin them with beers and shutting the doors, :)

dint they have those clip on fans in the pound shop ? for get how much they wer now tho ! :rolleyes:
better off fillin them with beers and shutting the doors, :)

dint they have those clip on fans in the pound shop ? for get how much they wer now tho ! :rolleyes:

You needs a couple off them on your engine....make it go wooooosh:D:D
You wont need A/C on a series....... soon as the Girlfreind ladders her tights getting in, then sees the mud on her shoes and the oil on her dress, believe me..... she'll be frigid enough to cool global warming!
Even if you managed to fit the aircon unit your engine would struggle big time and make your already appalling fuel consumption even worse. Buy one with a full canvas then you can fold the screen down easily. Problem solved.
Even if you managed to fit the aircon unit your engine would struggle big time and make your already appalling fuel consumption even worse. Buy one with a full canvas then you can fold the screen down easily. Problem solved.

:) the most sensible answer yet !
A double skinned hard top as fitted to station wagons would be a much easier solution to a problem which I don't really think exists, in this country at least. The air vents under the windscreen work really well. If you really must fit air con, then the key problem to solve will be how to mount and drive the air con compressor. Some custom brackets and a double grooved crankshaft pulley is the answer. Land-Rover did make such pulleys - they were used on vehicles fitted with engine governors and IIA Land-Rovers with 8 blade fans and I think 24v military Land-Rovers. It might be quite hard to find one of those, but it would probably be fairly easy to bolt an extra pulley to the existing one. There is plenty of room for an air con radiator infront of the engine cooling radiator
the double pullys wer stepped, iv got one ere, ;)

but as yer all say thers no reason at all fer airconning a series

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