
Well-Known Member
Can anyone direct me to fitting instructions for the PRT thermostat arrangement, YouTube doesn't seem to have any - a photo or two wold be good.
i looked for one before fitting mine

i couldn't find one, but they are pretty easy to fit without making a mess of it

just remember to remove the stat in the rear of the engine and refit it after removing the gubbins from it ;)
Sorry pics were rubbish :(

Plenty of info on here already
see page 9 post # 88 here - make sure the prt is assembled as in the schematic, take off the old pipes and offer up the new as in the diagram, you will soon see where it fits.

As Freelaner says don't forget to take out the old thermostat from the casing at the back of the engine - I took off the inlet manifold to get better access to it :)
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Did you get the complete LR kit or just the PRT? The piping is different so the kit is the easiest to install.
As mentioned in above link post # 88

If you fancy shelling out £11 :eek: for a blank stat ring, go ahead, its basically the OEM stat with the centre wax bulb removed

you can salvage the old stat by drilling out the wax bulb, there are four spot/hatch welds, either drill or dremel the weld spots.

Just refit the steel stat ring and rubber seal back into rear stat housing.

Note - I don't have a PRT fitted, just the OEM with some small pilot holes in the ring ;)
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Note - I don't have a PRT fitted, just the OEM with some small pilot holes in the ring ;)

I've used that mod for ages. In fact I've just drilled the new stat on my VVC MGF. It's not as good as the PRT but it works. I only drill one 2.5mm hole located at the top when fitted. This won't upset the bypass flow, thus keeping the warm up time quick.
Thank you all for the advice. I bought the LR Kit - like I said, it remind me of a 1950s surgical appliance to address rectal dysfunction! And I may need one when I get to check out the VCU!

Gubbins removed from an old thermostat and it and the housing are awaiting to be refitted. I have most of the parts to hand now, just waiting on the oil pump O/H kit from Rimmers.

Those door light arrived yesterday from Hong Kong, nicely packed to. I love the text on the box the came in. Remind me of a sign I saw recently - Genuine Chinese Broccorri :D
Do they intend you driving with the doors open then? Not just Engrish signs that are wierd, this is a good old Kiwi sign from Hamilton Fielddays...


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