Quick question......:scratching_chin:

Where does the Tel 'Mute Cable' and the 'Amp Conn' on the HU connect to??
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Not sure about tel mute, i didn't connect it, I think there for connecting to hands free kits so it mutes the stereo when you make a call.
Amp cable is a low current switched 12v that is turned on when the stereo is powered on, it connects to after Market amps for subs etc.. Used to turn them on when you turn your stereo on.
Hope this helps
Marky you not done yet!!:D

naa its been raining so he cant :p:p:p:p lmao !
he might get wet ! :D

Try closing the sunroof :crazy_driver:

No rain here...just work :(

Might get started today but then again...........it is supposed to rain later lol :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

Taz...now you've played with the sound do you think the HK amp is running? Can you hear the sub in the boot? Reason I ask is when I was looking at the wiring diags it looks like the amp gets its power from the head unit so we might need that amp conn (well just a 12v feed) to the hk amp...i'll look into it more once i get started

hippo...how's the nav looking and have you found anymore channels?? I take it you've got babestation lol ;)

NAV is working ok ish
But got to sort out why it keeps disconnecting the gps antenna! You have to keep going into the settings and re adding it!

No! No babestation sadly ! Managed to pickup 7 channels yesterday when I scanned, but that's not any good, the places where Id use it mostly doesn't work !
Might need to get a booster for the antenna ! Can anyone think of anywhere else I can put the antenna ? Maybe in the engine bay ???

NAV is working ok ish
But got to sort out why it keeps disconnecting the gps antenna! You have to keep going into the settings and re adding it!

No! No babestation sadly ! Managed to pickup 7 channels yesterday when I scanned, but that's not any good, the places where Id use it mostly doesn't work !
Might need to get a booster for the antenna ! Can anyone think of anywhere else I can put the antenna ? Maybe in the engine bay ???

room for it there but might struggle for signal, have a look on flee and see if any fin style boosters you could then fit on roof failing that near back window, it really needs to see the sky for best signals.

Not sure what the GPS is turning off. The settings should be[gps]
port="2", baud="9600" so go into the settings on your head unit and see what it's set up as. If it's not the same, try first to change the head settings to read as above. Then if that don't work, try changing IGO settings to read the heads (remember to write the heads down first before changing). Tell us if it works:confused:
hippo...had a quick google and someone added a couple of lines to the gps line in the sys.txt, back up the original and then swap it for this one, or just type in the additional lines :)


something to do with the protocol line and how it boots the gps first or something lol
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Hummmmm give it a try it wont do any harm, you can always change it back, I'd just take a copy of sys txt file before messing, no need to back the whole thing up.
Hummmmm give it a try it wont do any harm, you can always change it back, I'd just take a copy of sys txt file before messing, no need to back the whole thing up.

yeah thats what i meant angus...we bow down to your superior knowledge oh great one lol

i also read that if you remove the sys.txt the unit/igo will rewrite one with the basic settings needed to use it then you can add your own stuff after?
yeah thats what i meant angus...we bow down to your superior knowledge oh great one lol

i also read that if you remove the sys.txt the unit/igo will rewrite one with the basic settings needed to use it then you can add your own stuff after?

Why would you want 2?????

The Sys txt file you have is higher than the basic so you'd be taking a step backwards. But your right you can change all sorts of things once you get the hang of it, size of arrow, colour, size of addresses, the list goes on. I'm still having a little play with Primo when able (BATHROOM DIY) and that's mod to the max in sys txt.... It may be possible to take some ideas from one platform onto the other, I haven't tried this yet but might one day:eek:
i was kinda thinking along the lines of get the unit to write its own sys.txt with the most basic settings and if this works ok then amend those settings in the original one keeping all the fancy stuff that you put in ;) just trying to work out why he keeps losing the gps signal :confused::confused2:
Not sure, I can refer back to Hippo once he tries what I've already suggested. It's common depending on unit spec, but it's fixable!!

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