
New Member
I've been offered some cheap 24v LED strobes that near as damn it match my LED beacon, i'd love to buy them and fit them but what concerns me is the fact theyre 24v.

Is there a way to get these up and running easily without spending loads on extra bits and pieces?

If I was to buy the 12v version of these lights i'm looking at over £300 for 4, the 24v ones i've been offered are less than a quarter of that!

Thanks :D
I've got twin batteries already....sounds like it would be long winded or very expensive to rig them up properly!
a lot of work..i looked into getting a 24v winch cos it was cheaper,looked into it further and it wasnt so didnt bother

unless u swap everything electrical on your disco to 24v its a bit pointless having 2 electrical systems
I was offered a cheap as chips Superwinch EP9 24v which I was going to fit into a rear winch tray and use a Goodwinch 24v turbo pack but this looked at being just as expensive putting it all together as it would be to buy a brand new 12v one.

Defo pointless having dual electrical systems, shame wont be able to get these lights to work!
If its just for one beacon, would be possible to wire the batteries in series just for the one switch and light?
Could always buy a step up converter as its only small ish amps you'll be needing so it wont cost too much , best find out what they draw and look on flebay . I used one for my 24v night heater .
No it's for 4 24v LED strobes. (2 on the front, 2 on the back)

Already got the twin battery conversion, main one foes the car and the 2nd does the winch and caravan electrics.

Wonder if it's worth getting a cheap 24>12 voltage dropper as surely LED's don't use a lot of power?
LED's dont and yes I was going to suggest a step up transformer for it as that would fix the problem in theory
As the current draw is going to be minimal I'd suggest a wee step up device and keep the wiring for these simple and totally separate from everything else.

You're quite right that you could wire this from both your batteries but can you imagine, a year or so down the line, you have an electrical fault and you try and remember how you'd wired it all up?

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