You have to approach it with maximum aggression on the chisel.

If you notice how bent the chisel is in that video it gives some idea!

That approach has worked for me.
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The secret is to remove the horse shoe, adjust the bolt carefully so that the chisel bridges both sides of the uj yoke with the bolt touching the chisel, welt it in, remove chisel, undow bolt to gain more purchase, repeat until either: it frees, you're knackered or the UJ busts!!
Does the replacement vcu have a counter weight bolted to it. If so try removing it as they can be out of balance.
If the front prop won't budge after removing the horseshoe and you have a suitable chisel then your not using a big enough hammer.

Also you need to test the VCU after you have finished installing the new propshaft The chances of getting a good one now are almost nil
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the prop shafts are pre balanced so do not get trying to take the balances off it took my son in law a good hour to get the front prop separate from the back and he is a big lad sometime a bit of heat and strait away wd40 or simular
Hi there I had this problem when changing the carrier bearings,when refitted had a nasty vibration,tryd turning the dampener which helped a bit but still there,in the end I changed again when I reconditioned my vcu myself and when refitted it was perfect,my conclusion was that my old vcu was so buggered that the fluid had stiffened up that bad it had caused a bad balance or I read on here that the prop shaft doesn’t really need to be aligned as iboth parts twist individually when on the freelander anyway,but one thing I did do different as well was when bolting up onto the rear diff is make sure both faces are clean and dust free and tighten the bolts in an opposite formation until tight and mines been mint since even after having to recon my over vcu that I had taken off mine due to sump bolts not sealing properly and leaking the vcu fluid,that’s when I found out that my original vcu was so stiff that I could barely turn it,hope this helps
Hi there I had this problem when changing the carrier bearings,when refitted had a nasty vibration,tryd turning the dampener which helped a bit but still there,in the end I changed again when I reconditioned my vcu myself and when refitted it was perfect,my conclusion was that my old vcu was so buggered that the fluid had stiffened up that bad it had caused a bad balance or I read on here that the prop shaft doesn’t really need to be aligned as iboth parts twist individually when on the freelander anyway,but one thing I did do different as well was when bolting up onto the rear diff is make sure both faces are clean and dust free and tighten the bolts in an opposite formation until tight and mines been mint since even after having to recon my over vcu that I had taken off mine due to sump bolts not sealing properly and leaking the vcu fluid,that’s when I found out that my original vcu was so stiff that I could barely turn it,hope this helps
Hi, do you mean the IRD ? There is no sump on a VCU, & no way of getting the fluid out unless you drill a hole in it (the VCU), as it's a sealed unit.
No mate I reconditioned my vcu as shown on this forum site and it worked a treat but I used sump plugs to seal holes in vcu but the tapered thread wasn’t straight enough in the first vcu so didn’t get a good seal so leaked the fluid out
No mate I reconditioned my vcu as shown on this forum site and it worked a treat but I used sump plugs to seal holes in vcu but the tapered thread wasn’t straight enough in the first vcu so didn’t get a good seal so leaked the fluid out
Ah, sorry didn't read the previous posts:rolleyes:. Well done for reconditioning the old VCU & glad it's all sorted.
That’s ok mate no worries,it took a couple of months to make sure all old fluid was out,but enjoyed the challenge and this site has helped me out loads so was hoping to help a fellow freelander owner as his symptoms was exactly what I had
That’s ok mate no worries,it took a couple of months to make sure all old fluid was out,but enjoyed the challenge and this site has helped me out loads so was hoping to help a fellow freelander owner as his symptoms was exactly what I had
Yes the sites invaluable, if you don't mind having a bash, it'll save ya cash (beer tokens)o_O

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