In which case I'd be looking at disconnecting the Caliper, and then bending the pipe bracket on top, and tbh you could keep bending it til it snaps off even.

Try to avoid bending the copper pipe itself too much, but once it's off you can carry on with the job and make an improved bracket at some other time.

That doesn't sound like a bad plan, but i've no idea how to bend it to be honest... the plate that the brake pipe goes through is fixed on two sides, so to bend it out of the way would mean bending the plate itself, which is likely to break the brake pipe connector.

As for making "an improved bracket at some other time", lol, don't you need things like a vice, some metal, a drill etc... to do things like that? unfortunately, I don't have any of those things.

Its a lot like this with land rover, a problem comes up, you have to get around it and then modify something in future to get back to square one.

Although your modified bracket will leave the bolts clear, for next time :)

You can cable tie that brake pipe temporarily.

OR you can just leave it, drive slow and get it all sorted next week.

Indeed I could... i'd rather not cable tie it or leave it though, to be honest... I've no idea what i'd cable tie it to either. I wouldn't feel comfortable driving it down the A428 at 60mph for 40 miles per day knowing that the rigid brake pipe is only cable tied to something. All it would take it a stone in the right place and suddenly I have no brakes. In an automatic that's less than ideal.

Personally I'd rather sort it out myself, for free, and then as a plus it'll be sorted for next time.

Have lots of brew breaks, keep walking away and coming back with a cool head.

All the best :)

Thanks again for your advice and support! However, as for lots of brew brakes etc... i always have a cool head - i don't tend to get stressed in life.

Trouble is, i've been working on this another 2 hours today and have so far achieved nothing (I've packed up for the day now too). Given that I have 2-3 hours of daylight left this weekend and I need to get to work all of next week, and the week after, etc... I don't see that I have any choice other than limping it to a garage as soon as I can :(

Anyway, as you now know, i've given up on it for today mainly because i have no lock washers left and cannot flatten the existing ones out as much as I try. Plus, having adjusted them for the fourth time now, the 3 mile test drive showed that they have not come loose again, they are not as tight as they were yesterday (the wheel spins much more freely) and there is still no play in them! However, they squeaked non-stop.

So... my plan is to get a lift into work tomorrow, see if the landy garage will sort it on Tuesday, ask for short-notice annual leave for tuesday and just get it (and everything else) sorted at the garage. hopefully then back at work on wednesday onwards, several hundred pounds lights, probably :(

I honestly can't think of a better plan than that unfortunately, given that i have to get to work etc...
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Just read this whole thread and there's some great advice on here. Theres not many jobs I won't tackle on my Disco, or any car for that matter within reason. I hate paying people to do things I can do myself. Nobody has ever taught me, like most people you just learn as you go. Remember necessity is the greatest teacher of all.

I enjoy working on my Disco almost as much as I enjoy driving it, I get great satisfaction from fixing and servicing it. Good luck with yours, now go and get your hands dirty. Washing up liquid mixed with a little washing powder will get the oil off later. :D

i also hate paying people to do stuff that I can do myself. Trouble is, so far, most of it i've not been able to do myself for one reason or another!

Same is true with these wheel bearings now. With a lot more time and a second vehicle, it'd be no problem whatsoever, but with no second vehicle and a need to get to work 5 days a week, the garage is now the only option :(

With the jobs I have done successfully though (EGR removal, intercooler flush, window ECU fix, penny trick) the sense of satisfaction is indeed great! :D
Fair play fish, fair play.

At least you'll have tools for next time, wheel bearings need nipping up quite often.

When the garage does the axle mate, get them to mod the brake pipe.

Also are you going to get both swivels done and the diff oil changed?

If not actually fitting a new swivel, it definitely needs a new shot of grease.

Personally I like to do bearings in axle pairs, so I'd get the garage to strip both hubs and check/replace bearings where necessary.

At least then you know the front end is sweet.

Rear axle is definitely a DIY job, much easier :)
Fair play fish, fair play.

At least you'll have tools for next time, wheel bearings need nipping up quite often.

When the garage does the axle mate, get them to mod the brake pipe.

Good thinking... it's likely to cost another hour's labour, but we'll see what they say when I suggest it!

Also are you going to get both swivels done and the diff oil changed?

If not actually fitting a new swivel, it definitely needs a new shot of grease.

Don't know yet... i'll see what they suggest basically. I'll tell them the history, combined with what I know here and try to get them to do whatever we both think is sensible.

Personally I like to do bearings in axle pairs, so I'd get the garage to strip both hubs and check/replace bearings where necessary.

At least then you know the front end is sweet.

I like to do things in pairs too... but I also don't like to fix what ain't broke (unless something will cause it to be broke soon enough). If the left-hand swivel is fine and has grease and good oil seals, there's no need to change it. Again, I think i'll just see what the garage say.

Rear axle is definitely a DIY job, much easier :)

Ah... you say that... lol

I'm sure it is, but if the garage will check that one for an extra few quid, i might just get them to do it so I know it's OK. It all depends on cost, basically.

it's also quite difficult to have the discussion with them over the phone... i kinda need to book it in for "several random items", and then discuss it with them when I get there and we can look at it up on the ramp!
good point... so here's the plan (version 1.0). items are listed in priority order and will be done until I don't want to spend any more money.

- Front right wheel bearing & swivel ball replacement.
- Possible left ones as well, if they think it's necessary given that i'm "broke".
- Regardless of whether replaced or not, put a one-shot into both swivel balls.
- Modify brake pipes while they're at it (if not too expensive).
- Check/replace all fluids - axle oil, diff oil, engine oil, atf, the lot!
- grease everything that needs greasing (as I don't have a grease gun)
- pre-MOT check (or proper MOT maybe)

I'll also talk to them about the fact that the previous owner did all of his own servicing and given what needs doing now, ask them what else would they check to save me money in the long run.
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Sounds good mate.

Theres a lot of different things that need lubing on a landy. Often this gets missed. Remember the prop shafts, 3 nipples per shaft!

A thorough relube really makes your disco happy.

Get in there asap!
Fish, if you are taking the day off to get her into the garage, why not ask them nicely if you can watch? They may claim health & safety BS etc but you may be lucky if explain your situation.

I think it's a good plan in your situation and would likely have done the same, good luck.

That's what I plan to do... watch, learn, maybe even pay them for an extra half hours labour so they can teach me/answer my questions etc...!
right... it's booked into the garage as soon as they can fit me in... that's a week today :(

As for watching and learning, that's a bit tricky as it would involve me being in the workshop etc... but we'll see how it goes on the day. They have free of charge courtesy cars anyway, and i'm gonna take the day as annual leave, so at least i'll have plenty of time.

So... that gives me another weekend to play with it if necessary! Trouble is, there's nothing more I can attempt! I've adjusted the bearings as best I can, I can't get the calliper off or the front bearing out and it has to be drivable by next Monday so I can actually get it to the garage!

Oh how frustrating!
'Tis a tough situation but i think you've got it sussed, just need to limp it through thie week. I would not attemp more repair myself as it could render unmovable if it all goes tits up.

Good luck
when you say "limp it through this week", you mean myself of course... i don't consider the land rover drivable, really, given how much the bearings squeak!

They'll be fine getting to the garage (probably!), but certainly not for my 45 mile a day commute! lol

I think i'll phone the other landy place... see if they can fit me in any sooner...
so, the other landy place can fit me in very late this week... but it really makes little difference to be honest. I've no plans for the weekend, so I'm gonna leave it booked in for Monday. It also makes getting the annual leave a little easier that way!

How i'll get to work this week is something i'm playing by ear! lol, i'm sure it'll be fine :D
FFS a 20 page thread on changing a wheel bearing, I hope your clutch is OK?

Get it to Brum, i'll change it for you for free!
yeah, why not... the poor boy is having a heat attack worrying about what torque settings to use and if he can afford the spanners!

We all had to accumilate tools and knowledge once upon a time. There's nothing that can't be bought or learned in amongst yeah, no problem.
well i only need the swivel ball and bearings on one wheel... as far as i know!

and i know - 20 pages on a worn wheel bearing is utterly ridiculous, but that's what ya get with lots of conflicting and overlapping opinions! The procedure was never the issue - that part i mostly understood. it was deciding which tools i needed combined with the fact that I only had one shot at it!

oh well... and i'd love to bring it to brum, but i think the bearing would have exploded long before i achieve that distance, given how hot it's getting and how much it's squeaking now!
well, you identified the problem, but it was hard work reading though all of that!

Doctors say: The correct diagnosis is 90% of the cure!

get your disco fixed up, then drop us a line and we'll take you out for a day playing :)
thanks for the offer! i've had 4 or 5 days playing so far, but the last one was 5 Dec. I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms big-time!

In fact, I just finished (this evening!) editing together a video of the "best bits" of my off roading endeavours! it'll be finished uploading in 94 minutes according to youtube!

A moderate trek up to Birmingham though... anywhere at the half-way point you know of?? Perhaps a bit of laning, maybe? As long as there aren't too many trees to wreck my paintwork, dent the doors and smash my windows, of course! :D

To be honest, though, laning or off roading - each is just as good as the other! :D

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