
New Member
Went out for my first days Laning today ever had a really good time nothing too serious but be did get stuck!!


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Getting stuck is half the fun! Glad to hear you had a good time, where abouts did you go? More days to follow I hope now you've broken your duck.:D
I am in Nuneaton waricks and that was Twycross way more days to follow..

Trouble is i pressure washed underside of Landy to get the Cake off on the drive bloody hell half a Feild came off!!!...Neibours like the pale shade of muck on road!!...lol
You get use to the mud after a while, my girlfriend moans like mad about the mud getting dragged through the house, (tend not to listen to be honest) can't use the jet wash at the petrol station, they moan aswell! Something about blocking the drains with mud?

Can't win!
Maaan, timberdog that is some deep rutting (fnarr, fnarr!) Not surprised there was a bit of getting stuckiness, but like Fishface says that's half the fun of it, so long as there's someone around who ain't stuck......or you got a winch!

My nice suburban Dorset neighbours raise an eyebrow at having my ol' III bringing down the neighbourhood by just parking in the road. I positively relish washing the muddy stuff off in the street just to wind them up (pay me taxes just the same as them grumble, blah, blah)! They should think themselves lucky, it's a III yet they don't have to suffer oilslicks into the bargain!

Timberdog.............What is it with the 'awk thing, is it yours? Way impressive even if I did take the p*ss a bit.

Proud looking little bugger to boot.........Even with the virtual reality helmet on! I know it's not landies, but what's with the ariel, is it for tracking him or what? It looks like an RDF kind of thing. Do you carry him around in the Landy? Doesn't he freak at the noise?

Sorry for all the questions, but you've chosen to put a way big shot of the feathery fella on your profile & frankly, it's pretty interesting & is after all part of the great big outdoors where our chosen vehicles were designed to spend their time.
The Virtual Helment calms em down bit like most animals etc and also for Journeys to and from Hunting Grounds..

The Rec is a Luksander Temelemtry it tracks on 233Megs to a tiny tail mount on the Bird up to 20 miles or so ..but this is only as good as the Geography on the land IE: Trees dips valleys even weather .

He is registerd so if found public can ring the IBR who have his ring details atteched to leg

He is quite calm when in the Landy as the Hood does it trick and key is to get them used to sights and sounds from youn chicks.

He turns out perfect Tear drop stoops of about 100MPH to Quarry IE Phesanta and Rabbits ect i also keep him fit by Lure training you silly bit of leather attached to sting thing...He he

this is the the Perigrine cross Gyr i have super fast bird 150 MPH stoop
Wow, that must be quite something to see.

Cheers for the Timberdog. Kept seeing the damn thing & was intrigued as to what it was all about. 'Unting with 'awks, how medieval! Ha, how long d'ya reckon before they try to ban it?

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