
New Member
.......real my proper rain..........300 miles of it......proper........horizontal & wet (just how I like, never mind! :eek: ) ........Dorset to Wales & back........again.

Not a question, piece of advice or cautionary tale. I just had to share this as I've driven the last 150 miles p**sing myself laughing!

First, gotta say, Nelly didn't miss a beat engine wise, bless 'er.

BUUUUT second, NO-ONE told me Series' let in water like the b***ard Titanic when it's belting down (or is it just mine? :eek: ). Now that got me giggling, watching steady drips to streams of water running in from numerous places under the dash.........most notably the drip from directly above my throttle foot which left me with one drenched cold foot & one still snuggly & dry.

Thirdly, I've just fitted a new CB (so now I CAN catch up with you next time Sheddy AND force you to mingle! ;) ). My word, things have changed since the good ol' illegal A.M days in the 70's (I was REALLY bloody young OK! :mad: )

I heard two voices during the whole 300 miles, one Welsh &, well I could hardly join in! The other in Bournemouth 5 miles from home who was obviously a TOTAL fruitloop & launched into a tirade of colourful, original & highly amusing abuse for the remaining miles. Bless him. I'm glad he has a CB, it probably means he stays in more. I couldn't stop laughing to reply.........that plus he didn't stop for breath to give me a chance.

And fourth(ly?), the rain obviously slightly shorted the screen wash pump giving a slow but steady jet of slightly foamy water shooting onto the screen. I was stuffed if I was getting out in the rain to sort it so just carried on, trying to see through the suds, bubbles & tears of laughter. It took an AGE to run out, must've done 15 miles through a foamy haze!

Well I'm home, one cold foot, one warm foot & the cleanest windscreen & bonnet in the whole of Landydom! Trips in Series trucks, at least it keeps you endlessly amused, didn't listen to a single CD.

yep,fraid the buggers leak marcus, mine has a lovely one that drips onto me right :D thigh,causing wierd looks at service stations as it looks like i p****d me self , oh the joy of series landies, doncha just love em!!!!
I'm slowly sealing my LandSeive, I carry a roll of aluminium tape just for the occasion! tha tape costs £65 per roll*, its the same stuff they use on aircraft so its super sticky, even if your putting it on a wet surface.

* If you don't have a m8 who can nick it for you!
I know the stuff, is that how much it costs? Hmmm, who do I know in the aerospce industry?

Are you finding where it's getting in though?..........well, aside from everywhere!
* If you don't have a m8 who can nick it for you![/quote]

reminds me of a joke i heard years ago... how do you know who yer best mate is?????
It's a special design-feature to ensure the water gets OUT after you've been fording :p (and if you believe that.....)

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