
Hi, I finally bought my first land rover last week. I got a 1985 90. And oh what a poor sight she is. I never intended to do it the easy way. It's gonna be a full rebuild. New chassis, new bulkhead and then what every else I come across. She been off the road since 2014. Engine runs 2.5na sounds good. But that is just 1 little positive.
Oh and I don't have any past experience with rebuilds. Starting out with a limited tool kit, basically what I have for work as a builder.

Now for question time.
Polish galvanised chassis. Anyone used them? Are they any good?
They are cheaper but didn't know if that was a good thing.

I've got some basics, what are must haves? I'm wanting to do as must refurbishment on parts my self as I can. There is no time limit on this just do it right and learn.

And lastly
I'm wanting to find my way out of building work, before my body gives up on me. Both knee and shoulder is causing constant pain, I only hit 40 this year. Is there a good market to buy, full rebuild and sell series and early defenders. Space isn't a issue.

Cheers all.
A still smiling new owner.
Wow, talk about jumping in at the deep end. I dont know about Polish chassis, most use Richards chassis, tried and tested and they will add extra bits such as brackets on request. First thing you will need is a pile of cash. Rebuilding an old landy properly isnt cheap. A new chassis and bulkhead will be in the region of £5000. You just need to build up your tool kit gradually. Halfords tools are good but a bit pricey. I dont think there is a market for buying old landys, restoring them and selling them on. A tatty one with plenty of rust will cost anything between £10 ad £20k to fully restore and you are unlikely to get your money back also it takes bloody ages unless you have a fully equiped workshop. Good luck with yours though and.keep us posted on your progress, p!enty of advice on here.


Well I bet you have a few LR number 1 tools in different sizes being a builder:).
You will need lots of tools but probably best to buy a good around set to get going and then any specials along the way. Believe Halfords do a good all in 1 range of full set as a good start.

As for the chassis, have a look at the members projects, or ask in the defender section I seem to remember somebody getting 1 of the polish 1 and being happy, so have a good look around.

Have you a good sense of humor cos its gonna get a workout:D.

Good luck.

Welcome to the world whoas of owning a Landrover. Here on Landyzone forum you will get all the help you need.
Hi and welcome!

Your intro sounds like you’re jumping in at the deep end! The best way to get to know your Landy and make sure it’s done properly though.

I’m not sure you’ll make enough rebuilding landies to make much of a profit as the value of the vehicles has risen sharply since production of the defender stopped in 2016. Parts aren’t any cheaper either. But if it’s what you want to do, good luck.

Don’t forget some pics of the new Landy too!
Hi thanks for advice.

Aye I know I've well and truly went head first off the deepend. But u either sink or swim. I'm in no rush with this 1, it's going to be s big learning curve.
A still smiling new owner.
Haha, that will change later on in the rebuild

Hi and welcome, will be watching your rebuild with interest. I did a full rebuild on my 1988 90 about 12 years ago. They are not that bad to do to be honest, just time consuming.
I’m not sure you’ll make enough rebuilding landies to make much of a profit

Agree with this, made a bit of profit when I sold my 90 (beginning of this year), but not enough to warrent doing it for a living.
I reused or repaired what I could.
How bad is your bulkhead? (guessing footwells and top hinge area is rotted).
You can get repair panels for these but obviously they need welding in by someone.
A basic socket set and spanner set should be enough to strip the body down and engine/gearbox removal.
I've heard good things about maer chassis (if this is where you are getting it from)
Wish I got my disco 2 chassis from there as they are alot cheaper.
Good luck
Angle grinder and plenty of discs..... maybe also a socket set (as mentioned above Halfords do a good set) you will need sockets not in the set as you go but only be a couple for example a 34mm for the steering arm I believe. Ratchet spanners, grease gun, breaker bar.... More cutting discs :D. Good luck, I was in a similar position 11 months ago wasn't a chassis change but nearly everything above.
Box of old rags, for both cleaning up and wrapping stuff in ... including you when the hammer slips ...

Masking tape for labelling wires, plugs & detached miscellaneous gubbins ...

a mobile phone for taking photos of what you're about to take apart so you know which way around it goes ...

Large mug for beverages with a lid preferably to keep grinder dust out ...
Hello mate i hope you are well.

Have just rebuild my 110 and loved every bit of it! here is the link to give you some ideas https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/strip-down-and-rebuild-into-the-ultimate-overlander.366691/

Things i believe make a good quality rebuild are Jet washer, Shot blasting cabinet, Parts washer, Ultrasonic cleaner, 12 ton hydraulic press, Good quality pullers and measuring equipment. Also sing up to LRWorkshop price tracker. It has saved me thousands.

This type of work is not rocket science the key is learn to do what you need to do right. There is really good stuff on you tube and us guys here will always help.

1 word of advice is only fit OEM parts the blue packet stuff will just leave you chasing problems as soon as your landy is on the road.

I live in Derby and are more than up for chatting landys to give you a bit of guidance. I did my rebuild to a good standard and now i am getting asked to price up rebuilding other peoples Landys. The mind set i had of my build is to be able to drive around the world next year when i am also 40

Cheers Landy Lee

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