
Active Member
Ok Guys,just popped me head in here so not sure what type of reception I will get !!!firstly I own a discovery td5.However I quite like the look of the new defender sport 100 coming out in 2015. Do you think this vehicle could tow a medium sized caravan ?? How much do you think these vehicles will cost. Cheers Malc :eek:
Black : Big tip for opening statement in this section of the forum. Tell them you like Pigs and 300TDI's.

Farmers arent big on Yankie styled soccer mum SUV's.
It's great that people like different things - that's why there's choice

That said, don't think you're going to find too many people on the Defender pages who are keen on the restyled Defender.

Defenders are meant to be simple, rugged and go anywhere rather than quiet, watertight and loads of gizmos:D

Maybe post on the Freelander section?

Answering your questions - because we are a helpful bunch over here:eek:

- Yes

- Too much

Ok Guys,just popped me head in here so not sure what type of reception I will get !!!firstly I own a discovery td5.However I quite like the look of the new defender sport 100 coming out in 2015. Do you think this vehicle could tow a medium sized caravan ?? How much do you think these vehicles will cost. Cheers Malc :eek:

:mad:You can pack your **** now and leave, save yourself alot of grief/abuse. The new look is not fit for production:mad::mad::mad: Do you think that it is fit for Military duty stupid arse:mad::mad::mad::mad:
:mad:You can pack your **** now and leave, save yourself alot of grief/abuse. The new look is not fit for production:mad::mad::mad: Do you think that it is fit for Military duty stupid arse:mad::mad::mad::mad:

look what you have done!

i have just googled such machine and to be honest id rather **** off with a fist full of nettles than even look at one let alone own one.

get yourself a meat grinder, shove your face in it, and go live in the woods :):rolleyes:
Ha, bloody hell it's horrible!! Wouldn't fancy chucking a load of ****e in the back of that, might get it dirty ;-)
There is a thread on this new abortion, opinion wise when lr asked for feedback it didnt go well.

Then again gets boring abusing freelander owners........owners of that new thing are gonna get it on a whole new level!
Yea, Well that's just about what I expected !!! Obvious the"new" defender aint for you guys I should have known.A little sophistication is obviously lost on this pitch !!! However I was suprised I got so many reactions ahahaha it least I got a laugh from ya all !!

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