because peeps put a lot of time n effort to put info on this site to help others and then all we get is others saying "look on other sites - they have useful info"

whats the point of trying to help anyone. either they dont say thanks or point people away from here :mad:

no wonder members carnt be arsed any more :(

I do see what you mean, but I think DD3 had the best intentions. I think the paddock articles say it really well, but I guess linking to posts on other forums could be seen as faux-pas.

OP, we're the best forum, stay with us.
why not just reply to any question with "join LRO"?

Well, what I do is PM new members this:


Welcome to the forum. I always PM new freelander owners privately about being a member here. If you're new to Freelander ownership, it's essetial that you read through these artcicles:

Common Freelander Problems

What does my VCU do?

Next, it's important you know how this forum works. First off, Freelanders are the butt of everyone's jokes on this forum (it was P38 Rangies before that) so don't be upset if people tell you to burn it and call it a "gaylander." Newbies are usually mercilessly teased, but you have to remember that it's just banter and they don't really mean it. The most common comeback when the tractor boys take the pish is to remark on how comfortable your FL is compared to their rusty old mine carts. Over time you will get good and at it if you practice :D.

The important thing is just to have fun, and take everything lightly. Give as good as you get and don't throw your toys out of the pram :).

Unlike Japanese cars, Land Rover have a staggering number of really knowlegable people who share info on this large forum. There are very few problems that you can have that we haven't seen and fixed before. So although you will get faults, if you ask for advice you will always get an answer that will help you correct the problem as quickly and cheaply as possible.

I recommend that you buy yourself a Hayne's Manual:

97-03 Models Haynes Manual

03-06 Models Haynes Manual

Servicing this car is easy and will save money that you will need for parts and more complex garage repairs.

Above all, learn to love your Landy and it will return the love tenfold. The Freelander is a Green Laning machine, which is a wonderful pass-time that you and your family will love. It's even better if you go with a group of Landy drivers and take a picnic and such.

Green Laning

Enjoy your stay and I hope to see you around!

So yu dont tell them of the FREE freelander Rave disks or the stickies in our greenlaning section?

I give up :eek:!

I will add those in, the main goal is to contact them privately to warn them about the flaming. I know we make light of it but it is truly outrageous and needs to be kept in check. New Freelander owners are seen as fair game and we all go along with it, but we will start losing people to less knowlegable but more civilised forums if we aren't careful. I don't usually pout about it but it has been a bit gratuitous lately.

Alot of people aren't web savvy and this may be their first forum, the most I can do is try to get them into the spirit of the board. But it's up to individual posters to draw the line between banter and flaming.
those were mainly off site articles .. condensed info
just happens that the oil info came from a forum

yeah .. i did search this site for relevant info ..
i do first Always when i try to help out ..

but what i find don't always fit the solution ..
like .. do a search .. 'n find a zillion threads that mention the subject ..
'n what happens in threads .. they can go off topic ..

that's primarily why i left a list of subjects for the newbie to Search for on This site


as for hippo2 owners who visit looking for info .. then what ?
aint much about them on here ..
only seems reasonable to point them to the hippo2 forum ..
where there's bound to be more shared info on the subject ..

or the L-series diesel .. be some here ..
but the mg forum has most info ..


yeah theres a thread 'all y'need to know about the freelander'
but it didn't fit the bill as far as the o.p. is concerned ..
( i spent time reading thru it )

and Do spend time searching for relevant threads on LZ .. before inputing INFO
from other sites ..

hell .. be plenty of off-site links posted on LZ when ppl want info ..


jeez .. only a few days ago i stopped 'n helped a stranded LR owner ..
and suggested he join this site ( LZ )
anyway .. cheers for explaining why the comeback to my first post in this thread ..
yer point be taken .. i'll keep it in mind for the future
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I will add those in, the main goal is to contact them privately to warn them about the flaming. I know we make light of it but it is truly outrageous and needs to be kept in check. New Freelander owners are seen as fair game and we all go along with it, but we will start losing people to less knowlegable but more civilised forums if we aren't careful. I don't usually pout about it but it has been a bit gratuitous lately.

everyone gets treated the same yeah alot of stick about freelanders but when you watch the forum td5 p38 300tdi series ask a stupid question you get shot down. Like mhm said too many peeps want to take and no input. The abuse can get out of hand but it helps this forum keep it's momentum and not just a 1000 posts of how can if fix this!
everyone gets treated the same yeah alot of stick about freelanders but when you watch the forum td5 p38 300tdi series ask a stupid question you get shot down. Like mhm said too many peeps want to take and no input. The abuse can get out of hand but it helps this forum keep it's momentum and not just a 1000 posts of how can if fix this!

I admit I don't read the other sections much and I believe you when you say it happens elsewhere. I don't want to lose the banter, and I certainly don't want censorship - but I don't want new members having a bad time and then never coming back. It's up to us to decide how we treat newbies who don't know the unwritten (and even many written :rolleyes:) forum rules.

I don't mind answering the same questions time and again, would be nice to get a thankyou but it doesn't matter too much. That person you helped will quickly learn the ins and out and may go on to become a well liked member :).
:rolleyes:Can't find a stupid smiley that jumps up and down sticking two fingers up so you'll just have to imagine it....

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My comments were not addressed to the noob ( who seems to have packed his bags) but about the too common action of posting to other sites.
Why not link to this site?
If the information isn't here, then provide it?
Some of my threads are blatantly plagiarised from other sites, but posted here. The "all you need to know" thread is an accumulation of info from other sites.

Lets continue to make this site the best, not point peeps to other sites!

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