Why is it then that so many range rover's have nissan and isuzu diesel engines fitted and not land rover diesel engines fitted then?
coz thy're imported cheapo cheapo second hand from Japan, or sometimes because their first mount rustd away around them, and most people think anything's better than a V8.:)
As i was posting a reply to bbjunkie he edited his post to diesel engined discovery's. His original post did not say v8 or diesel. So this what he should look out for and this is why i would stay clear of any diesel discovery i have known 2 people who had engine blow ups because of the following problem:

Belt Warning
There is considerable confusion regarding the problems with 300 tdi timing belts. Martin Holder explains the situation.

Owners of Discovery, Defenders and Range Rovers are expressing great concern about the lack of Information from Land Rover regarding the premature wear of timing belts and consequent risk of failure. It is caused by misalignment of the belt and pulleys and affects a large numer of 300 tdi engines. Failure of the belt probably results in damage to the engine. Land Rover has identified the engines at risk, and it was believed that rectification they were being fitted as a matter of routine to affected engines during routine service visits to official dealers.

(This is absolutely WRONG. I found countless vehicles not retrofitted and even dealers who didn't know or care about the problem- the webmaster)

However, correspondence from LRO readers makes it obvious that this has not been happening universally, even with vehicles in warranty.
There have even been reports of unresolved disagreement concerning Land Rover liability where engines have been damaged following belt failure.
Yet as far back as March 25, 1998 Land Rover Issued Technical bulletin No 0008, headed: Timing belt failure - misalignment. This bulletin is supplementary to Service Action Bulletin A/D482 and should be used for first time failures which are outside the parameters of the Service Action. We don't have details of the Service Action Bulletin referred to, but it is believed this contained advice relating to the inspection and replacement of original timing belt parts to overcome the problem.
The Bulletin we have obtained provides infomation for workshops dealing with failed engines.
The Bulletin states clearly that normal warranty policy and producers apply, suggesting that if a vehicle with a failed engine is out of warranty conditions have not been met, the work cannot be carried out under warranty terms.
the misalignment issue has been known about for years and has been sorted ages ago

is that the best you can do ?
For what it's worth I had a 300TDi from new and the timing belt went twice in a fortnight (out of warranty but they repaired it free anyway) after which I got rid of it. They SHOULD all have been sorted by now however and there's stuff about how to check it in earlier threads. Now the TD5 has a proper chain drive!!!
robs mate, come close i've got somethin to tell ya...no closer that that fella..woo not too close.

u r, without a doubt, the dumbest **** to grace lz!honestly i dont know how you make ur way through the day without killin urself cleanin ur teeth! if you REALLY wanna start a fight u dick, for someone disliking ur idiot ideas then, wat th hell, i'm always up for givin a chav a good beastin. pm me for details!back to ur point, not sure wat landy u have but i know many more people who have n/a 200, 300 engines that r on 200,000 plus miles than i know have sunk a nissan fookin engine in their landy!

o and bravo on sayin 'get a v8 its great!!'

talk bout pointin out th bleeedin obvious!!ur knowledge and ability to cut and paste, is without a doubt impressive.

now go and wrench ur head out of ur ass and shut th fook up.

i dont think ur find many on ur side ya great big bullying prick.


Rafa how many fooking times does I have tter tell yer?? don't frighten the fooking entertainment away :rolleyes:

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