
New Member
Feel like a true Range Rover owner now :) - Today I had my first bout of trouble.
Locked then super locked the car. Went to 'lazy lock' the window, and nothing!
Unlock? Nothing.
1 hour on and nothing.
I climb in the window to get the handbook etc for the EKA code. Key in lock, nothing, the key does nothing!

I end up calling on the AA. Thankfully the window was open! We could open the door to re-connect the latch to the door handle, play around enough and reset the system. The remote then worked!

3 hours of my life ..... gone!....
Without sounding like a complete arse, you own a Land Rover!!!! Get used to it:D
But seriously i hope it isn't the start of things to come. Good luck....
LOL. I've plenty of experience, owning Fords and Vauxhalls. Couldn't stray from the need to get your hands (And usually work shirt) dirty!
Think I might upgrade AA to roadside recovery though!

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