
New Member
Hi all

Just bought my first Landy and its 88 90 TD with a 200 tdi engine!

First thing I'm trying to do is sort the heating out or at least get the fan working!

Ive just taken out the heater and I recon the motor has had it, tried a direct 12v feed and nothing should that have worked?

What I can work out is why I'm not showing any voltage at the switch on the dash or at the connector to the heater, any ideas as to whats going on I dont appear to have any fuses gone unless theres some more other than the ones under the dash?

Welcome, and fan sticking i think is fairly common.

Give the fan motor a good soaking with WD40 and give it a spin round by hand as it's probably just seized up. (obviously whilst not connected) Then give it power and see if it goes. Mine is ex-military and the fan cowling was flooded. Did this to mine and it was like new again!

Regarding the switch and fuse I'm not sure but all fuses are on bulkhead and I'm certain heater is fused. There are a few 'un-fused' circuits so you may just have a duff cable somewhere. I learnt this the hard way with glow plug wire melting due to a short.
Thanks for thate and I will try and get the motor going with a sepperate feed & if not replace it, but if I have no power going to it then its never going to run!

Anybody got any ideas on the power feed to it?

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