You wanna pig?

@top-cat s new girlfriend, found on a lane in Derbyshire ...

Is that a cheetah-pig? Only ever saw a fossilised one, in a museum.
Apparently cheetah-pigs can beat a stock Series over 100m,
whereas a Defender is a bit more of a challenge.
So, the semi camo'd Defender is the HiCap I just bought. Defender HiCap.jpg
Beach Rover.jpg The Defender posing on the beach, maybe the end result I'll go for. With a sand coloured canopy over the tub. But, am still looking for ideas online. Want to keep it as stock looking as possible, while updating the cab, sorting out the minimal surface rust and repainting it. The whip antenna isn't just for effect. It has a working Clansman radio attached.
I was half tempted to 'improve' the military look that a previous owner gave it. But, that could be problematic, given where I'm based :eek:
Is that a cheetah-pig? Only ever saw a fossilised one, in a museum.
Apparently cheetah-pigs can beat a stock Series over 100m,
whereas a Defender is a bit more of a challenge.

It could be, but Tim was on a promise ....
Ooh I like that...

Spoke to the guys that rebuilt this, yesterday. Was asking about canopy options. But, we got talking, as you do.
The Defender was essentially rebuilt from the ground up. TD5 engine fitted, I think they said.
Was a 'money no object' custom job. Ended up in Switzerland.
So, if I attempt something similar, it'll be aiming for the same look. But on a Lidl budget :(
But, that's part of the fun, if you've Scottish blood in your veins / pockets!
So, the semi camo'd Defender is the HiCap I just bought. View attachment 156327
View attachment 156328 The Defender posing on the beach, maybe the end result I'll go for. With a sand coloured canopy over the tub. But, am still looking for ideas online. Want to keep it as stock looking as possible, while updating the cab, sorting out the minimal surface rust and repainting it. The whip antenna isn't just for effect. It has a working Clansman radio attached.
I was half tempted to 'improve' the military look that a previous owner gave it. But, that could be problematic, given where I'm based :eek:
A very quick roller of the bonnet, grill and roof with some matching nato paint will instantly tidy it up in the short term and having block colour rather than camo makes it slightly less military. But the body work look s fairly straight which is surprising for a hicap. The one on the beach looks good though, throw one a beige canvas and it would be very nice if that is the direction you are going for. If yours is mechanically good all you needs is a good clean paint and polish.
I could maybe solve world hunger and take on a project like building a hydrogen fuel cell; Trevor
I did try leading a couple of tech / media start-ups, while I was too ill to do anything else. But apart from being a massive learning curve of what NOT to do, nothing
much came of either. Partly down to me. Partly down to my tech 'partners'.
I'd still like to solve something Trevor. But, I figure that it'll make itself known, as I gather up an eclectic mix of skills over the next year or three.
Definitely be good to compare what we're doing. As I found with leading a start-up, it can be a lonely business working from home and time spent with like minded
nutters is usually time well spent o_O
The one on the beach looks good though, throw one a beige canvas and it would be very nice if that is the direction you are going for. If yours is mechanically good all you needs is a good clean paint and polish.
Well, I've yet to get under it Dag, but I was assured by the seller (who has an excellent rep) that mechanically, its all good. So, yep, essentially its a clean, paint and polish job.
I 'get' the sentiments about turning Landys into weekend gin palaces on wheels. But, I figure that if the economy picks up post the B-word, people will spend again and leisure related
vehicles will be in demand. Time will tell. Being stuck in the ass end of the UK makes things a bit tricky. But, if you're offering something fairly unique and develop a good rep, then I know distance isn't an issue. One of the best classic Mercedes restorers in the UK, is barely 20 mins from here.
Had a quick look online last night and they are stupid money. I saw a camel toe’phy replica last year for £7000 and now wish I’d pulled the trigger.
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So, the semi camo'd Defender is the HiCap I just bought. View attachment 156327
View attachment 156328 The Defender posing on the beach, maybe the end result I'll go for. With a sand coloured canopy over the tub. But, am still looking for ideas online. Want to keep it as stock looking as possible, while updating the cab, sorting out the minimal surface rust and repainting it. The whip antenna isn't just for effect. It has a working Clansman radio attached.
Both look great and bags of potential and options for you. Not sure if you're going to LRO 2018 but I am and hope to sort out my own canopy there amongst those guys; happy to ask around regarding a Hi Cap cover and hoops. Plus, you never know what else can be lurking around these shows!
Let's try and meet up for a chat soon and will PM you at some stage, if it's a goer?
My mobility comes and goes Trevor, so having just driven the LR back from GB, I need a bit more time to recover.
I only saw an ad for it yesterday, otherwise I might've gone. If you see any good condition hicap sand coloured canvases,
I'd definitely be interested. If we don't meet beforehand , I'll pm you my mobile. I'm sure you'll have a ball :)
Definitely be good to compare what we're doing. As I found with leading a start-up, it can be a lonely business working from home and time spent with like minded
nutters is usually time well spent o_O
Mike, I THINK :oops: I've sent you a PM but the jury's still out! Maybe you could confirm if it has actually happened, sometime?
Had a quick look online last night and they are stupid money. I saw a camel toe’phy replica last year for £7000 and now wish I’d pulled the trigger.
Ha ha, the bloke across the road from me had quite a nice td5 Hicap he was selling for five and a half grand last year he'd only bought it for some hard to get hold of parts that he wanted for the camel trophy one he was also doing up to sell :p
Someone on this thread did mention the 200 piece socket set and I have this one, or similiar, from Halfords; excellent quality and it carrys a life-time guarantee. Just be aware that Halfords agressively discount this kit from time to time; several years ago, I bought it for £99 and can highly recommend it; you will definitely use it!
Socket Set
Someone on this thread did mention the 200 piece socket set and I have this one, or similiar, from Halfords; excellent quality and it carrys a life-time guarantee. Just be aware that Halfords agressively discount this kit from time to time; several years ago, I bought it for £99 and can highly recommend it; you will definitely use it!
Socket Set


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