Just as a matter of correction... ANY fault found within the first 6 months from date of purchase is deemed to have been there prior to sale. Sale of goods act and crock of **** thread - or if you feel adventurous, Fanatics web page.

You are right to demand a full refund.
I used the info from the Crock of **** link, I do feel that i will be ignored again. But this letter also sent recorded (Signed for) So i will know when they get it and then 14 days from then I will start filling in forms.

Thanks to The Mad Hat man
tell them what you no and get them to fix it free

m8 ratty, mhm are gods on this what they say is the truth. If you need help dealing with the seller fanatic is the best to talk to on the legal side. Please act now and don't get fobbed off by the seller. Record everything what is said and what has been done.
read the crock of **** thread and act promptly. Do not take it lying down.

well said! you've got to persevere with it, keep on at them, get back in touch with CAB, tell everything upto date, with the letters etc, then a solicitor if needed, ours cost us around £80.00, 1 letter then they cracked
I feel for you as I had very similar problems when I bought my TD5 2 years ago. It came with a fresh MOT which was obviously bought as there were a number of items that could never have passed a proper MOT. I fixed them at my own cost.

When the engine was warm the car wouldn't start. This was eventually traced to the battery (new but capacity to small). Then I noticed my oil level going up and the smell of diesel. To cut a long story short I threatened them with Trading Standards and they reluctantly replaced the engine with a second hand unit as it had a cracked cylinder head.

The car was OK for about a year and then the gearbox gave up. I replaced this at my own cost along with a new clutch and flywheel. The new clutch only lasted a month and had to be replaced under warranty. Then the transfer box went, was overhauled and 6 months later is now leaking again.

A few months ago the rear anti-roll bar tore out of its mounting - no corrosion so no idea how that is possible (New stronger mountings manufactured)(ACE?).

Last week the starter solenoid caught fire after the car was parked in the drive for 2 hours.

Add to that the ABS chimes and warning lights, constantly going into limp-home mode, and becoming completely imobilised when parked outside our local post office (alarm receiver), this is without a doubt the worst car I have ever owned.

Unfortunately I have put so much money into repairs that I cant afford to sell it.

If you can get your money back. Good luck.
Damn, you know that feeling you get when you never quite know how something ends but you want it to be good... I kinda feel like this after reading this thread so far!

Please update us with good news!
Garage now closed down and moved. Car still with the people who were meant to fix it, Engine runs (so mechanic says) still loads of back pressure, unwilling to do anymore and solicitor has sent letters etc.... Nothing, so only option now is to try and get it recovered home and fork out for the repairs :(

Sorry for the delay but had lots of personal issues to deal with on top of this.

Anyone know best way / Place to get my Disco recovered?

Now driving a 98 Volvo V70 (don't think it's big enough to pull trailer with disco on)

I'm near Caerphilly (South Wales)
oooomph.... makes my latest posting seem like im a snivelling little girl... I really hope ya get things fixed. Maybe ill be a little more grateful that my problems don't even scratch the surface of what your going through. If I ever get mine back from the garage that is.
Garage now closed down and moved. Car still with the people who were meant to fix it, Engine runs (so mechanic says) still loads of back pressure, unwilling to do anymore and solicitor has sent letters etc.... Nothing, so only option now is to try and get it recovered home and fork out for the repairs :(

Sorry for the delay but had lots of personal issues to deal with on top of this.

Anyone know best way / Place to get my Disco recovered?

Now driving a 98 Volvo V70 (don't think it's big enough to pull trailer with disco on)

I'm near Caerphilly (South Wales)

if you know the name of the garage owner,then try and find him via the phone book or council register.then issue him a court letter,if he does not attend court and it goes against him,then get the sheriffs involved.good luck.
Well the seller ignored all my letters, So i involved a solicitor. After £1300, I am collecting my disco Thursday!

Bad news is it is STILL in the condition i sent it to them in, So looks like I'm going to learn about my Disco in a hands on way.

I have ordered Injector seals, Front cam seal and service kit, Will start with those.

Any thing else i should have a look at?

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