
New Member
i am 17 an want a landy for my first car. a suggestions?
got to be cheap :
  1. to insure
  2. to buy
  3. economical
not so bothered about speed though
ps not a FREELANDER! (way to soft an uncool)

Series 3; pick one up for £1000, get your own policy on it. Not cheap to fuel, however - best you can hope for is 25 mpg with a Diesel S3. Should work out cheaper than your average Saxo/106/Clio that your mates have all got though! Good luck, you're making an excellent choice in going for a Landy :)
you only 17 tho so nuffink is gonna be 'cheap' to insure and landys aint economical if you worried about that dont buy one also are you willing to get under the thing n fix it when its menstrual?
good lad more follow young landy owners the better :D

haha i see your not a fan of the gaylander too ;)

as langers sed s3 would be cheapest etc

im a defender boy though but prices are very very high for them atm
thanks for link an suggestions. not so bothered about fixing it, just another challenge and landys are so cool!!! Love series 3 and 90s but 90s are so expensive. grrr!
if you could afford to buy a 90, i would much more user friendly;) well a bit more i guess :D

if i were you id try some quotes as i couldnt insure a landy for my first car was waayyyyy to expensive with a years no claims it brings mine down to 1850 or summut so there not cheap to insure on your own but at are age theres not alot that is
on paper my dad owns my landy and he holds the policy i pay for both our insurance with nfu its 450 a year and im only 20!
:eek:whats best for me in an s3 petrol or diesel in terms of feul/insurance/speed/initial outlay/noise thanks

£3000 for a 200tdi that is piracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whats ya budget, a disco might be cheaper, i would always go for a diesel no matter what landy you go for as its easier to look after, no plugs leads coil etc. and before you buy get insurance quotes first
You'll insure a Series 3 for a third of the cost of insuring a 90.
Cheap to buy with zero depreciation.
Economy - with the savings you'll be making, forget the economy.
Excellent choice of marque sir.
Use one of those compare sites to get some quotes first kid. I suspect series 3 will be cheapest option insurance wise and you maybe able to get it on classic insurance. Diesel will always be easier to maintain and run although Landrovers will never return MPG like a hatchback will.

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