It's true, like all the best things in life, Halon got banned.

However my old man still keeps the automatic one in the engine compartment on the boat. Fibreglass boat, petrol engines, lots of wood and stuff... You need halon.
AFF is as good if not slightly better at fighting fires than Halon, ( Some North Sea Oil and Gas instalations still have Halon but thats on a timer for them to change over to AFF)

tbh ive seen a car of mine go up and ive done firefighting training ( I mean full kit with liquid fuel fires) there aint no way im fighting a fire I might fire the extinguisher into the area but thats it,

The other thing is knowing how to use a extinguisher some you fire over the fire others at the base, All depends on the material on fire and what your using,
1kg Powder in mine 'just in case' - will be adding a 2kg CO2 one when I next have pennies

Thinking is to use CO2 first (less messy) and follow up with powder if needed:)
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WE have 6kg extinguishers in the cab of petrol tankers, I always say there just the right size for hitting people out of the feckin' way as you're running:D
just had me series on fire ( bloody dodgy electrics near the starter motor ) that all started smoking smoldering heated some spilled leaked derv up to flash point and boof battery off ( cut the main wire as i didnt have time to fook about with the spanner ) and blast with the ABC powder went straight out no worries thank fook i got 3 of the fookers in the shed

anyone who thinks its ok and wont happen to them it frigging will its just a matter of time before it does

if you aint got one friggin get one well worth evry penny !!!
just found out (after putting it in a more prominent place) that my larger extinguisher is an AFFF foam, which is good cos i thought it was a dry powder. i now keep it to hand after reading this thread instead of in with the rest of the gear in the back. the small one is a dry powder but that lives in the glove box area.

pleased to hear you didnt have a burnout johnny... :)
since the start of this thread ive always had one to hand specialy in the back yard and me work area due to the ammount of hot work i do

today was just bloody good practise in motion didnt have to think i just did
Both our 110s are fitted with extinquishers not just for our benifit ! but you never know whats around the next bend ! it might save someone elses life....:)
since the start of this thread ive always had one to hand specialy in the back yard and me work area due to the ammount of hot work i do

today was just bloody good practise in motion didnt have to think i just did

I converted my mig welder from disposable gas to a proper gas cylinder but kept the disposable cylinder mount and use it to hold my small fire extinquisher so its always at hand.
just a word to the wise, if anyone is going to rush out and buy a new fire extinguisher, make sure it is UK sourced and carries the EN3 markings.

There is a LOT of chinese imports that you wouldn't want to trust, but seem cheap enough until you need it !

Although I can buy extinguishers way cheaper than any of the normal routes, by the time I've shipped them, the cost will probably be the same as going to screwfix, so I'm not going down the spam route !
If you have a dry power fire extinguisher in your car it’s a good idea to give it a shake every so often and listen for the power falling about inside when shaken. The power can settle into a lump due to vibrations from travelling, which can cause problems when you come to use it for real.

Also if you use a dry power fire extinguisher then it will need refilled correctly or replaced afterwards. Even if you only use it for 2 seconds, once power starts to come out, even if you release the trigger to turn it off, some power will sit in the hole inside and allow the pressurised gas to continue to leak out. Happens very slowly but after a few hours all pressure is normally released. Hence it won’t be much good so replace or refill or it won’t be any good when you next need it.

Maintenance | Fire Extinguisher Guide
Aldi were doing 6kg extinguishers with full uk & euro specs for £20 dont know if they still are. Seem good quality
If you have a dry power fire extinguisher in your car it’s a good idea to give it a shake every so often and listen for the power falling about inside when shaken. The power can settle into a lump due to vibrations from travelling, which can cause problems when you come to use it for real.


The problem of compaction of powder extinguishers can be to some degree over come by inverting the extinguisher regularly, say once a week. If you hold it to you ear as you do so, you should hear the powder falling. If you can't it is compacted and will not work when called for. You can try shaking it to see if it frees up, but generally, if it doesn't move, it's u/s.

of course, I freely acknowledge that more people take notice of you hippo than me...
are landies prone to going up in flames when driving around?

I wouldn't say 'prone to' but as many are quite old they can suffer more than a modern car with chaffed wires/electrical fires, and some diesel engines have a habit of running on their own oil and then exploding:(

Think it's a wise precaution to carry one, in the hope it's never needed

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