
New Member
Hi All,

After years of wanting one I have taken the plunge and bought myself a 1987 Landrover 90.

Im just after some advice really about where to start sorting it out.

There are a couple of bits that need tidying up on the underside such as new shocks etc...

Needs a new coat of paint and a retrim inside, because it smells of wet dog and is old and worn.

Im not really sure where to start so im after some help if you guys are willing to?

I have read some posts that people are painting the landys on their own with brushes...might be a cool thought, could go for that flowery design iv always liked :D

In all honest this is what I was planning to do...

1st needs a bit of rust chopping out in the bulk head
2nd needs a resray / coat of paint.
3rd look at the underside fix shocks etc...
4th waxoyl the underside
5th work on the retrim, put new shiney bits on...

Does that sound like a good way to start?

Hope someone can offer some advice...

Thankyou in advance for replys!

Kind Regards

Well, if that's all that's wrong with it, you've done well!

Make a list of the things you think you want to add, then enjoy your Landy for a good while.............then review your list of things you wanted & decide if you still want them. It will change!

And all posts in reply to new acquisitions end in...........Post sum pics then!
yeah wot marcus sez.

Deffo hang on for a good while before tarting it up you might wish you spent yer money on something worthwhile.

And wot he sez about pics.
Here is the pic...Will post some more when i pick it up.


What are your first impressions?

Its strange, i look at it and i think its beautifull, dont even see the rust lol.

As you can see there is one patch just by the top door hinge.

Looks good from here, nice and straight, no go faster chequerplate. Like MHM sez though wots the underneath like?
Its a bit mucky, a spot of oil, but no rust... apart from on one shock which i can out my finger into :)

It was owned by the same old lady for the past 14 years.
Hi Tonee,

I bought a 1986 90 in May. What engine have you got? If it's not been swapped out for a newer one and it's a diesel, you're looking at a 2.5N/A and it's a good solid engine. Just before you spend money on the cosmetics, run it for a month or so, and take it on the motor way to see if you can uncover any problems, especially if you haven't got any warranty with it. I've just had one of the pistons replaced and it runs a treat, but that was with thanks to a 3 month warranty behind me. If you haven't got anything to cover your back you might regret having a respray when the engine needs something expensive sorting out.

Waxoyl on your chassis and the rear cross member is probably the best thing to start with. Scrape off any loose crap and then paint it on. You may have to pressure wash it or drive through a big puddle and wait a day or two to find areas that aren't covered and that are vunerable to rust.

It may be worth your while filling the seam between the bulkhead skin and the bulkhead with fibrelass putty and hardner to keep the water out. It'll seep in and could end up quite expensive in the long run.

Other than that,
Have fun, and establish a jar in the kitchen for diesel money

Lady owner & CSW spec is always encouraging. Prob' had a fairly easy life. Yeah, looks alright that. Welcome to club froot loop. :D
Looks good:)

Wunt worry about the paint work, you wont see it anyway once you get it covered in mud!

As already stated, run it first, get a feel for it before you start throwing money around.



Thanks for all your advice...

Waxoyl on your chassis and the rear cross member is probably the best thing to start with. Scrape off any loose crap and then paint it on. You may have to pressure wash it or drive through a big puddle and wait a day or two to find areas that aren't covered and that are vunerable to rust.

I have read somwhere that people paint the bottom of the landys or waxoyl them, which is the bet method.

Also can anyone offer any further advice on little bits i should check for?

Thanks again for your advice.

Kind Regards

Everyone's got different ways of going about.

My personal fave is jet wash the chassis inside and out, attach a wire brush to a grinder (not a drill, you'll burn the motor out) give it a really good going over (minding your brake pipes), wire brush by hand all the nooks and crannys. Wash it over with white spirit. two coats of red oxide paint. Top coat of whatever you prefer (I use garage door paint) then waxoyl inside the chassis (using all the little holes you find) with one of the little Waxoyl probe things you can get.

But like I said, everyone has their own preferences.
Hi Guys,

Thanks Marcus, just what i was after... I now know what im gonig to be doing this weekend, im off to pick my baby up in a bit.

Off the back of this, anyone interested in an audi a3? lol

Ill post some pics of how i get on etc... thiking about making a step by step information sheet about what i found how i did things etc... someone might ifnd it useful.

Also if you guys have any other little tips that would be great.

Thanks again you guys are ace.

Thanks Tony

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