
Active Member
This is my second post since I joined this morning (go easy!) but that said I have actively been looking for a Land Rover for weeks now. Yes, I’m one of those that want a big play thing with knobbly wheels, snorkels, winches and machine guns strapped to the top but finding one that suits the bill is tough, real tough.

It doesn’t help that I’m away from the UK at the moment but even so there’s nothing so far on the internet pages that has flicked my switch 100%.

I did find one particular winch-style pay n’ play beast the other day (which looked great) but when receiving the close-up pics from the seller last night my world turned upside down; I thought I was onto something good initially but all I can say is that someone has had their fun out of it. The sales advert displayed all of the ‘correctly angled shots’ if you know what I mean.

I hoped for something on this forum but nothing really so I’ll keep on scanning eBay in the hope of winning that Landy lottery soon.

Back to the drawing board guys,

All the best,

Morning Dave :p

So ya want a big play thing with knobbly wheels, snorkels, winches and machine guns strapped to the top :rolleyes:

Sounds to me like you want to buy a challenge truck that somebody else has put together .....
But not played with..... int gonna happen.

All the gear, no idea, springs to mind.

What boils my **** is folk who want a weekend toy for "the look" have little mechanical sympathy and would pee thier pants driving a standard Defender at the limits of its awesome capability.

Don't get me wrong I've nothing against those who modify thier Landies that's all part of what makes ownership of the marque so great.

But if you don't understand how the vehicle works, what it takes to keep it running, which tyres are going to work for you, why and how fit a lift kit or any other accessory. Then your never going to get the full enjoyment of ownership and you may as well buy a Jeep
I like the direct approach and I thank you for it but after all of these years of living I know what I’ll be happy with – I think, but I could be wrong, not sure – I’ll get back to you, possibly! 

I suspect my post count and friendly banter has clouded the way my intentions are perceived but I do have a fairly well versed background in the 4x4 scene. My love for LRs first came about in the early 90’s when the one I was driving (partially my fault) fell off the mountain side in Bosnia and saved my life with its sturdy structure. It was a 110 V8. I have since been in awe of the brand but have only ever ventured in to the RR Vogue World, first a 1991 Classic SE and now an L322 V8. That said, the off road driving courses (military style) plus my 10’s of thousands of miles in 110s/90s/Wolfs and other gadgets has given me a good feel for what I want, or at least what I think I want!

It is fair to say that I am quite heavily involved in the UK car tuning scene albeit in a Japanese guise so I’m hoping to combine the two. My wife tells me that I do try and modify everything I buy so my likes may potentially clash with a few guys on here. That being said everyone to their own as they say, but even so, I still want to buy-in to the vast knowledge that such a forum of this nature brings to a new guy like me. I have questions and lots of them and I just hope that my love for modding does not cloud peoples good nature when it comes to helping me out.

I am now on Post #3 which means that I now have only 47 post counts remaining before I can advertise in the wanted section. I’ll start preparing my advert now :scratching_chin:

All the best,

Thankfully you int totally wet behind the ears then :p

I guessed you wanted to be thought of as part of the car tuning scene from SupraAyf ;) :boink:

As you say each to their own some folk seem to like to try and turn Defenders into track cars :confused: Seems totally pointless to me but I suppose they're only hurting em selves :D :D

Stick around join in the fun, put on yer best rhino skin jacket post plenty of piccies of what yer upto. Your post count will soon soar :D
Instead of looking for one with machine guns etc , my advice would be to look for a straight unmolested one.
Then as you get to know it you can mod it to your own taste and needs. :D
This is my second post since I joined this morning (go easy!) but that said I have actively been looking for a Land Rover for weeks now. Yes, I’m one of those that want a big play thing with knobbly wheels, snorkels, winches and machine guns strapped to the top but finding one that suits the bill is tough, real tough.

It doesn’t help that I’m away from the UK at the moment but even so there’s nothing so far on the internet pages that has flicked my switch 100%.

I did find one particular winch-style pay n’ play beast the other day (which looked great) but when receiving the close-up pics from the seller last night my world turned upside down; I thought I was onto something good initially but all I can say is that someone has had their fun out of it. The sales advert displayed all of the ‘correctly angled shots’ if you know what I mean.

I hoped for something on this forum but nothing really so I’ll keep on scanning eBay in the hope of winning that Landy lottery soon.

Back to the drawing board guys,

All the best,


Welcome matey.

I was in the same boat not so long ago, took me 3 - 4 months of serious searching before I found the right one :)

Sounds like you have a good idea what you want, I think you have to be willing to compromise a little on your idea of "perfect" or you'll never find it, there are some things on mine stray away from the perfect vehicle I had in my head, I had ideas about changing it, but the reality is I'm loving it regardless.

Remember that winter is sellers advantage as people want something to get them through winter, so they'll be reluctant to sell. Come spring it'll be buyers advantage, specially in today's economic climate, it may pay to be a less enthusiastic buyer ;)

Don't rely on ebay, a lot of people won't even list a vehicle on there, google spits up a lot more vehicles and vendors.

Put up a spec of what you're after, and how much you're willing to spend, in this thread, sellers on here are still likely to see it anyway if they're researching the current selling market, you could be a bit proactive and email the spec to all the vendors you can find too.

It's reminds me of trying to find the perfect girlfriend when your still a teenager :lol:

something will turn up!
What boils my **** is folk who want a weekend toy for "the look" have little mechanical sympathy and would pee thier pants driving a standard Defender at the limits of its awesome capability.

thats me :D i have no mechanical sympathy but i also spend money on it like it's going out of fashion
All the gear, no idea, springs to mind.

What boils my **** is folk who want a weekend toy for "the look" have little mechanical sympathy and would pee thier pants driving a standard Defender at the limits of its awesome capability.

Maybe we should introduce a hierarchy, for example...

You can't own a defender untill you've owned a D1 for at least a year
You can't own a Series 3 until you've owned a defender for at least a year
You can't own a Series 2a until you've owned a Series 3 for at least a year
You can't own a FC or lightweight until you've owned a S2a for at least a year
You can't own a Series 1 until you have all of the above, have quit your job, spend every minute of every day caring for your collection of landy's etc.

(I suppose at the top should be you can't own a R/R unless you've won the lottery)
Instead of looking for one with machine guns etc , my advice would be to look for a straight unmolested one.
Then as you get to know it you can mod it to your own taste and needs. :D

Exactly as Mick says, start with a blank canvas and make it exactly how you want it. Though I'm a fine one to talk, owned Landys for 40 years and still not got it right. Welcome to the forum :)
Instead of looking for one with machine guns etc , my advice would be to look for a straight unmolested one.
Then as you get to know it you can mod it to your own taste and needs. :D

+ 1

This would be my advice too. You may find one with all the toys on it already, but they may not be of the quality or standard you would want.
So back to basics, the MOST important part of the kit is the Landy itself, the bling is just extras and not always done well.
Up to you but as you have the experience, I reckon you will have far more fun putting the cash into a really good base, un-bodged or hacked vehicle, get it as you want it, enjoy it and then add the extras as you feel fit.

Good look and welcome to the forum :D:D
Exactly as Mick says, start with a blank canvas and make it exactly how you want it. Though I'm a fine one to talk, owned Landys for 40 years and still not got it right. Welcome to the forum :)

………………….and that’s what probably makes it all the more fun when you’re still going with the flow.

I spoke with my wife a few weeks ago and she said that I’ve got 20 more years only to grow up or else. I haven’t got much time to have fun then!!

Thanks for the welcome Nigel;)
P.S. Thanks to the rest of you for posting up (it will give me a chance to get some numbers on the doors) :cool2: This looks to be a great club to be part of so thanks guys, much appreciated indeed.

This little number has just come on eBay today at 14k. Lots of money but it proves there is a variety of good stuff about.


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P.S. Thanks to the rest of you for posting up (it will give me a chance to get some numbers on the doors) :cool2: This looks to be a great club to be part of so thanks guys, much appreciated indeed.

This little number has just come on eBay today at 14k. Lots of money but it proves there is a variety of good stuff about.

I'd buy it... but i'm not a fan of the orange ;)
P.S. Thanks to the rest of you for posting up (it will give me a chance to get some numbers on the doors) :cool2: This looks to be a great club to be part of so thanks guys, much appreciated indeed.

This little number has just come on eBay today at 14k. Lots of money but it proves there is a variety of good stuff about.

Pretty serious! not gonna blend in on the Asda shopping run then :D

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