now boys!
don't be like that, elton and i have got a series now after the last time i shampooed the freelander and the roof fell off. its a real mans car and that clutch, well i'm glad it has that middle seat , that way elton can help me press the clutch pedal.
i'm going to have it painted pink like them nice boys in the sas.
elton says he likes the way you can take bits off it.
he was cruising down kings road the other night in fishnets with the doors off. you should have seen the hunk he picked up. i was ever so jealous.....
at first but then elton said i could join in.
i don't know what i'll do if i get a puncture as the spare is ever so big and heavy. maybe our friend from the recovery service will come round and help
well must dash as i have a perm to do
hugs xxxx
that pic is typical of travel in china. i was working there late last year, me and a few colleagues had a 45min journey each day to/from work/hotel. we had a game to see who could see the most heavily laden moped. the overall winner was: 3 adults, 3 kids and a pig. i kid you not, i could not believe my eyes!!!
does this count??


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