looks like original landrover blue like mine should be

It's pretty damn close. Found it by accident, it's a paint for metal called 'Mallard' (or something to do with ducks anyways, can't be arsed to go outside and look).

My bonnet was that light blue original colour & it has barely changed........'cept it's nice and shiny now!

Actually, a bit too shiny. Not used to seeing a motor of mine looking so spruce. :eek:
Tiz almost the old crew.
Dint think i would hear me say this ....... But i agree with Munkee - tiz abit blooo! Tiz almost prittee :rolleyes:

Yeah, matt grey would look better o'course...........with a big bollocked squirrel sticker on.

At least if I din't like it I could hide it unner a tarp. :p
so have yer been to see what the colour actually is then Quackers ? :D:D

Jesus H ****ing christ. I've just got off my fat arse, walked to the end of the garden AND it's starting to rain.............Mallard it is. It's a B&Q gloss for metal. Thick as elephant spunk, but goes on a treat with a foam gloss roller.
yer its ****ed it down ere all day , looks in fer the week, wer in the workshop at 7 thismornin, hopin to do some, couldnt do much outside so i did me dash clocks instead ;)
ther not bad at all them rollers , not as good as a spray job , but if yer do it with rollers get good ones, not pound land ;)

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