
Active Member
Hi all,

I have finally made it to the Land of Defender ownership :banana:. I have had a disco for a few years now but I've always wanted a Defender.

Now here is the confusion. I have just been round the car taking the serial numbers and it has thrown up a couple of odditys. The head on the engine is from a 300 tdi, injection system etc, (it was sold as a 300tdi conversion) but the engine number on the block is 19JxxxC? :wtf: Is it possible to mate a 300tdi head with a 19J block?

Secondly I was looking for the gearbox and transfer box numbers which I found fine. The only oddity here is that the transfer box just has 8 numbers. There is no prefix or suffix which on every website i have found seems to make no sense. The Gearbox is definitely an R380. The transfer box has the ratio sticker next to the serial number 1.410:1 4wd. So that seemed normal but the serial number makes no sense. Any help would be much appreciated :)
Welcome to world of confusing defenders, I have two of them LOL, I have a thread about this.

I think I just saw a thread with the same 19J block being in a 200tdi or 300tdi. Someone explained that there are a few defenders where this was seen.

Do a search here for the thread.
Welcome to world of confusing defenders, I have two of them LOL, I have a thread about this.

I think I just saw a thread with the same 19J block being in a 200tdi or 300tdi. Someone explained that there are a few defenders where this was seen.

Do a search here for the thread.

Thank you :D I'm happy to be here.

Yeah I've not had time to do a massive search today. Looking for the transfer box I haven't been able to find anything. When I read this again I thought my title wasn't the best to attract answers :) never mind. I will do a more detailed search tomorrow when I have time. Thanks for saying HI :D

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