cheers silver.
Thinking of things to change and mod it for me now, will sort it and give it a good dirty like soon i hope.
I had a similar feeling shortly after buying my fender, but after a few months of trial and error I found my problem and got it sorted out. Keep at it and don't be embarrassed by the rear end, it couldn't possibly be worse than this one :p :p :p


Sowwwy I just couldn't resist it.

Why, in god's name, would anyone feel it appropriate to stick that inane brassy crud to any all??? Getting it off will be an act of great reward in itself. If you believe that machinery has a soul, then you will feel damned good doing it.

I feel your pain old chap, but it looks like maybe you have the basis of a bloody good vehicle here. If it's a solid chassis and body, then you have something good to work with. I hope the engine has survived relatively intact, and maybe even your transmission.

That rear crossmember...thing....needs to go. It is not right. Again, restoration will no doubt be cathartic. When you're done, this landy will properly be yours.
Going on the basis that the back crossmember replacement stays on, what can you guys suggest to make it look more appropriate??
What else can be done to balance out as the body work has been cut to the shape also, and i think it might grow on me if i can just tweek things a little.

Tell me what it really says and the one above the 4x4 one, if you don't I'll start a thread asking for suggestions and you know they'll come up with far worse than what's on there :D
Tell me what it really says and the one above the 4x4 one, if you don't I'll start a thread asking for suggestions and you know they'll come up with far worse than what's on there :D

I think the one above the 4x4 say's...

Something like that.
I wouldn't worry overly about what it looks like right now (stickers aside!) just get her running right and you'll get a 'feel' for what you want to do or not.

Most Landy owners go through the same process from the other standard and rush out and buy every bolt on bit they can find.....and regret at their leasure

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