Thanks Doug, thats a really nice offer and it would be nice to have one with less/no paint and the ISAF letters on the side. Mine also revealed some 'thin' spots when I pressure washed the slime off although it has no rips or tears. I'm not allowed out on Saturday unfortunately but I'm only in Huntingdon so I could pop over and collect it sometime? I'll send you a PM. Sorry Ed, although if you want one for chopping up I could sort something out.

@ Steve, The idea of cheap and bullet-proof appealed to me. My battery also appears alot smaller than i thought but works well. I thought I wouldn't have to worry about timing this early but definitly sounds like it could be the cause, despite running well when warm.

I've been permitted Sunday for the show as I have instructions and visitors for Saturday. Really looking forward to giving Yarwell a try as I've not had a go off-road yet. I have done a couple of Landrover experiences so I know the crack and it'll be nice to give the landy a real test. I haven't forgotten about putting the wading plug in :D
Basically I only want the bit that goes over the front cab and roll bar the rest I was going to bin so huddy if you get the decent one off doug could I get your old manky one to modify?

How does that sound to everyone?
Sounds cool mate, I could arrange a handover sometime one evening as I'm often in Woolwich overnight for work and I see your in West Sussex.
Yeah that would work or my brother works in London so I am sure we can sort something out. I don't mind driving to collect though

Awesome, Huddy send me a PM and I will send my post code. Too bad you wont be there Saturday. I have an exmod c reg 90 and Lightweight so I agree that the MOD ones are nice to have. I meant to say before but I love your wheels/tires (tyres), I have been looking for a set of Michelln (cant remember xz something) 750X16s for my lightweight but those tires are very hard to find or cost a ton. Oh yea last thing, I am interested in learning the MOD history but not sure where to go to get the details. I was going to go to Heritage motor but they only tell you about the make/year/etc. Thanks all.

Doug you can do a FoI to the MOD.

There is a thread on here somewhere. You need to ask for the MERLIN and JAMES systems printouts

Yea, I like the wheels and tires too. I'm not so fond of the look of the G90's. They are XCL's, late last year a set of 5 on standard steel wheels went for £400 on Witham's auctions. A little while ago they did a tender for just wheels and tires but i didn't save any of that info.

I love the lightweights! I needed something more practical and modern so the Mrs can get involved & drive it so the 110 ticked all the boxes.

You can get the history with a 'freedom of information' request to the MOD. Have a look at

Something I'll do at some point.
Yeah email this email address to make an FoI

I have zxl's on wolf rims, I chose them over g90's as I hadn't heard good things about g90's and wet Tarmac and also heard they give a choppy ride. Luckily I got 3 barely used, I unused and 1 part worn with my 90, my minimum tread is 8mm so should have lots of life in them!!
Thanks guys, I will give that link a shot. Yea it is the XZLs that I wanted for my lightweight. I think I would like to get a set for my 90 but my pockets are not near that deep. Maybe I can find a set at the show but probably not (popular items)

Huddy, send me an email at and we can work out a date/time for the top. I didnt want to put my post code on the forum. Good luck on Sunday the pickings will not be as good as Saturday but the prices much beter.

Flat. Did u re roller paint on yours ? I got mine from withams too 90 1986 last year in black and green cameo colours. But can seen it was sand colour before too. Paint is flakey off and very rough. I has considered sanding all off and paint black but my Missus said re paint same or completely NATO etc. as it is ex military
I reckon keep it a military colour, looks interesting and less noticable on green lanes. I think mine was black and green at one point as it is black under some of the flaking paint.
Yeah I did, I just used a pallet knife to get the really flaky stuff off (mine wasn't to bad tho) and then sanded it with sheets on a sanding block. Then I rollered it NATO green, sanded the first layer and did another. Came out ok I think, took about 8 hours spread over 2 weekends in between family stuff
Huddy84 and flat thanks. I might do the same. I might start with a sander get the worse off and then repaint same. Dunno if I wanna go full NATO or black green cameo. I will put pic up and show what it looks like currently


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Flat. Mine is c reg from dvla. Dunno where it has been I know it was from a king's regiment Reg 76 KF 90.
you could stick an FoI in with the MOD taffy and see, might have seen a bit of action somewhere!
This Saturday we're hoping to sort it out. Then I'll send you a PM to sort out getting the old one down to you.

The Fabsil seems to have worked quite well so far, i ran out of the first tin doing my current hood so the rear right 300mm isn't waterproofed and just soakes up the rain. I've got a 5l tin ready to do the newer canvas.
Recieved the Landy's military history the other day, all medical regiment;

234 Med Regt RHQ '89
144 Para Sqn RAMC (V) '89 - '92
220 (1st Home Counties) Fd Amb (V) '92 - '00
4th Armd Med Regt '00 - '12 (Assume Afghanistan)

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