
New Member
Hello Landy land! I am looking for a defender for an ad shoot, beginning the 17th. The location is Bow E3, and is for one week. I am looking for a Defender, their example is below (don't blame me for any discrepancy!). I will need a pic and a contact number (you can PM me this) for your landy to be considered.

Where are you based? If you don't mind you could leave you car with me, I will be on set with the other 4 cars and a van, there is 24 hour security and the street will be closed for the duration. I do understand you don't know me from Adam though. Do you have any pics?
Fair enough, but I don't expect to come to your house and drive away with it. Trust me I would not set up a whole film set just to nick 6 cars and a van. No offence but we have an RS2000 coming that's worth er, a couple of quid more than the average landy......
Fair enough, but I don't expect to come to your house and drive away with it. Trust me I would not set up a whole film set just to nick 6 cars and a van. No offence but we have an RS2000 coming that's worth er, a couple of quid more than the average landy......

none taken
So jdandcoke as you are local, interested? I would need it on the monday too though.... It's an advert, the location is Bow E3
sounds a bit fishy to me ! surley people who do film shoots have access to a registrar of people with vehicles for use on film sets and not have to come to land rover forums asking members to trust some one no one knows from 'adam' to take their land rover defender for a week while all around defenders are stolen on a weekly basis ?

just sounds a bit odd to me, sorry if im wrong.
cant u buy one for your business?

We have 22 transits ans 6 cars, and the rent from this project would not cover buying a landy, though we did have a defender out earlier in the year for a production about the queen. Unfortuantely I can't get hold of the owner, if I could I wouldn't be getting a grilling about honesty on here:)

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