
Well-Known Member

has any body on here made their own fiddle brakes,

Im looking ito this at the minute, decided to keep it road legal and use a seperate system for the hydraulics, im going to be using disco front calipers on the rear on custom brackets, handles i can fabricate up nto an issue,

what im struggling to find out about is the brake cylinders, i need something that will have high pressure but ideally that only has 1 outlet, i will need 2 of them lef tand right.

has any body got any suggestions ?
Years ago i did something similar on a tracked machine - used 2 Mini clutch master cylinders (1 left/1 right) with longish levers??
yeah thats what im kind of looking for, iv seen that the MG ones have single feed, just not sure if its strong wnough to hold back a landy though, however it is just 1 wheel, and not sure if the MG does all 4 from same circuit

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