I might grind into the old tank to see how much **** has built up over 21 years!

Fill it with water before you do... makes putting yourself out by rolling around a lot easier when you set light to yerself ;)
Fill it with water before you do... makes putting yourself out by rolling around a lot easier when you set light to yerself ;)
int he gort a doosul? and if he has he int gonna be igniting it wiff a grinder but if he fill it wiff water before he grinds into it he'll most probably light up like a xmas tree.

why not find the hole and solder a patch over it or if its a seam just run some solder into it. don't use a soldering iron unless yer got a reet biggun but use yer blow torch. just keep it a few inches away and keep it moving. and yule end up with a repair to be proud of and so long as yer tank int completed covered in rust should last a good few years
Fill it with water before you do... makes putting yourself out by rolling around a lot easier when you set light to yerself ;)

ere adz have you ever had a tank that has had water in it?

they rot!!! from the inside out.
int he gort a doosul? and if he has he int gonna be igniting it wiff a grinder but if he fill it wiff water before he grinds into it he'll most probably light up like a xmas tree.

Yeah he's got a diseasel... you can light a lot of stuff with a grinder, including diesel. He dunt have to leave it full of water, lectrics and water do mix well after all.

Iannotts... I'm bettin' that pos's grinder goes through the side of his tank faster than it'll rot while full of water... what do you reckon?
Yeah he's got a diseasel... you can light a lot of stuff with a grinder, including diesel. He dunt have to leave it full of water, lectrics and water do mix well after all.

Iannotts... I'm bettin' that pos's grinder goes through the side of his tank faster than it'll rot while full of water... what do you reckon?

In the short term yea, long term who knows where the holes will apear ;)
If he buys a noo tank and chops the old one up with his grinder there is no long term for the old tank ;)
Right, I've bought my new tank and all I can see is three mounting points (ie. for nuts and bolts). Is there only three nuts and three bolts as well as the lip resting on the chassis to hold the tank in place? Also, how do I go about removing the float mechanism from the tank where it is fitted? Does it twist or do i need to prise?
Yeah he's got a diseasel... you can light a lot of stuff with a grinder, including diesel. He dunt have to leave it full of water, lectrics and water do mix well after all.
bollocks!! unless yer really really really really really try hard
You nudge one of the 3 raised edges of the circular clasp holding the float in place and it rotates. Turn it till the indentations line up with the bits sticking out of the edge of the hole it all fits in. Lift out the round "clip" and the whole arm mechanism just lifts out. Remember to disconnect your battery and 3 wires first, making a note of where they go.
Right, I've bought my new tank and all I can see is three mounting points (ie. for nuts and bolts). Is there only three nuts and three bolts as well as the lip resting on the chassis to hold the tank in place? Also, how do I go about removing the float mechanism from the tank where it is fitted? Does it twist or do i need to prise?

It's a reet ****, no it int it's a ferkin reet ****, no it int it's a ferkin bastid of a reet ****, changing the tank. There's a fred from a month or so ago when someone changed theirs. If you're having difficulty take the sill channel off it'll be easier in the long run.

Deffo twist to get the float out.
What an absolute ****ard of a thing to change. Me and my Dad have been having a go at it all night, but it's just the sodding front support bracket that's causing problems. It looks like I'm going to have to remove the floor panel in the drivers side in order to get at them, and I bet that the things are rusted stiff too. Is there anything that I should be aware of when removing the floor panel? How easy is it to do? Is their a way to get the tank out without having to remove the sills or the floor panel?

It's seriously starting to **** me (and my Dad) off now!

PS. does anybody have a link to the post thread last month? Can't get me hands on it
Floor panels are a piece of ****, just a few self tappers, surprised you ant already done it. Taking the tank out int to bad. Take the front bracket off the chassis and just stamp on the fecker. Putting the new un in is where the problems start. I've bin looking in my gallery to find some pics to jog my memory but can't find owt. The tank I got was too wide to fit between the chassis and the sill channel, so it had to go in at an angle pushing it forwards and upwards if you see wot I mean. I obviously got it in in the end. but on hind sight it would have been easier to take the sill channel off to do it.
Alright thank you! Will get it done on Saturday afternoon (if not tomorrow)

I've just done mine and the easiest way is to take out the floor pan. Take out the fuel gauge and return pipe first. Undo the back two bolt then undo the fule tank bracket (3bolts) the whole thing will drop out (don't forget to undo the fuel pipes).

to fit the new one bit a a wiggle in and the rest is easy.

Have fun!
Cheers PaulM,

The problem is simply because we haven't been able to get the back two bolts out on the front support bracket. They'd be easy as anything to get to when I take the floor up so it should be alright! Fingers crossed

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