Well-Known Member
Dumped about half a tank from the chuff of my 2003 td5 defender 90 this morn.
So raced home like a goon made just in time, it was gushing out.
Stopped with engine off so pipe etc
Flicked on the A team music and set to it problem found n fixed in 20 mins or so.
WhatsApp Image 2025-02-01 at 12.59.13.jpeg
Need to do a bit of investiagting, to see if fuel pipes are are clipped up properly, may have been cause if not cliped up n over time etc but those rarer that rocking horse ploppage Dormnan clips are next to fooooookin useless at the best of times.

Amazon to the resuce I have grabbed a fresh set all blue PMSL,
Looking at the pics, I see some cracks in yer ring .... not the sort a good cream would sort either ...

You may need to pop the pump out and check the seals and fittings malarky ...

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