oy no its not, i did not know what a fecking gimp suit was till claw came on here tell one and all, its his fav pulling kit..
No, This is


Not going to argue with him then if he wants to eat my biscuits:eek:
That kind of thing seams all too frequent these days.... but having said that - if you have that much experience what the hell are you doing working for anyone other than yourself. Why not set up on ya own as a consultant to local businesses saving them money ect on energy usage... steer them all away from Brit Gas and earn a commission for the competition instead!
Hi Keith

well you still have a sense of humour so chin up theres always next year and lets all keep our fingers nad gimp suits crossed for you.

oh did i let the cat out of the bag dam blast nuts dont tell the wife.
They most certainly did Fett I have spoken to Jonathan who tells me the regional Mgr post "Was filled from Within"

For that read .."we promoted this guy coz he was ****in useless at selling"

Thats a bummer mate , really sorry to hear it , no milage in going back to him and asking or something different is there? or have you already torn him a new one :D

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