
Well-Known Member
Can confirm all good in the rear of the Freelander regards interior lighting and power/grounds.

NOW. I have a column change to do. Watched a video about a year ago and very good it was too. Unfortunately it’s disappeared into the YouTube ether…

Anyhoo first task.. remove steering wheel.


Everything up until actually sliding the wheel off that is. Eventually after emptying every other ‘loosening technique known to man I decide to make a puller.

Had to break out the welder and my van’s inner racking sacrificed a small section of box steel.

It worked thank feck!

I don’t weld.. I melt stuff sometimes it looks like a bird has shat liquid steel and has managed for it to land along a line between two bits of steel.

Only a grinder was used and no paint.

I love doing stuff like this but I’m still a novice.

Maybe my Lidl welder is keeping me back but up to know most of what I have fabricated to solve a problem has worked. Looks horrendous but didn’t fail..

Steering wheel removed..

Took me less time to make than I spent trying to get the wheel off yesterday… seriously used up every swear word I know.. several times over..

Only swore once today when the wheel came off..

I attach a couple of photos for your amusement..




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