
New Member
Hi all,

I just bout a 92 200tdi discovery i got it very cheap which is always nice. but there are a few wee problems

1.] The temp gage only goes up to just under 1/4 is this normal or could it be a dodgy gage.

2.] Fuel gage doesnt work it just shows empty with the red light on (any ideas)

3] There is no heating it blows cold no problem but not hot air not good when it freezing outside.

Any help on these problems would be much appreciated

Hi all,

I just bout a 92 200tdi discovery i got it very cheap which is always nice. but there are a few wee problems
Wouldn't be a disco without them :D

1.] The temp gage only goes up to just under 1/4 is this normal or could it be a dodgy gage.
nope that's normal The viscous fan stops the engine from getting any hotter. Disco's are massively overcooled

2.] Fuel gage doesnt work it just shows empty with the red light on (any ideas)
Put some fuel in it :) and check fuse isn't blown.

3] There is no heating it blows cold no problem but not hot air not good when it freezing outside.
Have you got the left hand vertical slider control set to the red dot for hot air.
will check the fuse tom, but i have put fuel in it if it was a fuse would the red light work???

as for the heating i have tried it in every position to no avail it just blows out freezing cold air very,
My temp gauge did the same until I changed the thermostat and now it registers just under half way.
the fuel sender unit could be knackered, making the needle show empty hence the red light on.

and the heater could have air lock or blocked heater matrix, could try bleeding the system of air. can be a pain in the arse. have a look a previous thread on here about it..

Oh and welcome


My heater was the same as was my temp gauge so i took the viscous fan off and went to replace the thermostat only to find it had been removed! Put a new one in and flushed the cooling system out with a hose and it works a treat now.

Another vote for changing the thermostat - they cost about £4 and take 5 mins to do so why wouldn't you?

This should change the position of the needle on the gauge to halfway and get the heater working properly too !!!

And once you have it working properly, take that viscous fan off and store it in the boot.

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