
Sent my 06 td4 in for its full service on friday to mates garage also for him to check it over considering only bought it a week.

Few issues found Parking sensors not working, rear window not shutting correctly. Variable vain turbo either seized or not working (dont know what this is) also a knocking at front when setting off in either first or second gear. Back in garage weds for proper check up then im hoping these things are covered under the warrenty i got with the car.

What is a Variable vain turbo and is it expensive
Sent my 06 td4 in for its full service on friday to mates garage also for him to check it over considering only bought it a week.

Few issues found Parking sensors not working, rear window not shutting correctly. Variable vain turbo either seized or not working (dont know what this is) also a knocking at front when setting off in either first or second gear. Back in garage weds for proper check up then im hoping these things are covered under the warrenty i got with the car.

What is a Variable vain turbo and is it expensive
My advice. seriously, take it back and get a full refund, this sounds like a lemon, sold to you by some shifty geezers.
Its getting a full check by my mate in his garage on weds then im ringing the garage i bought it from. if they dont mend these problems under the warrenty then dont really know what i can do besides trading standards ?
If you go to another garage then the seller garage may not agree with the faults. They may also say the vehicle has been tampered with. Contact the seller garage first. Knowing the faults is one thing but getting it back to the seller garage as soon as possible is the best thing to do.
They should have given it the service and checked the things you listed before selling it.
You either give them the chance to fix it or just ask for a full refund which they have to do by law.
I'd go for the refund as I don't trust them to fix it, the cost would wipe out any profit for them.
thanks for the replys

if i ask for a refund what happens

Car cost £4000 they gave me 2250 as px for my astra and i paid the other on credit card as i know you have some rights by paying credit card. If they have already got rid of my car what do i do then

I am hoping they will do everything properly as i do like the car and already paid £100 for the service
thanks for the replys

if i ask for a refund what happens

Car cost £4000 they gave me 2250 as px for my astra and i paid the other on credit card as i know you have some rights by paying credit card. If they have already got rid of my car what do i do then

I am hoping they will do everything properly as i do like the car and already paid £100 for the service
£4000 for a '06 from a dealer seems low but depends on mileage/condition/model.
If your old car has gone then you get full refund.
You may like the car now but I've a feeling they will change your mind.
What kind of dealer are they ?
VNT blades can normally be unstuck with foaming oven cleaner :)

Depending on how much of a swine the turbo is to get at, might be worth having a go first if you're handy with a wrench.

The other bits and pieces are wear and tear really... but if you kick up enough of a fuss the garage should really get it sorted. I've been had before by car dealers and their "warranties" when I had an impreza STi - they claimed 50k was fair cop for a wheel bearing.
thanks guys

its an 06 2 door sport, 88354 miles on clock and looks in good condition
it passed the MOT the day before i bought it but i did mention it was very good at pick up speeds in any gear but its first one ive had of these cars.

Im not good at anything to do with mechanics i know were to put water and oil and thats it usually take it to my mates garage he does all my work for me always has
thanks guys

its an 06 2 door sport, 88354 miles on clock and looks in good condition
it passed the MOT the day before i bought it but i did mention it was very good at pick up speeds in any gear but its first one ive had of these cars.

Im not good at anything to do with mechanics i know were to put water and oil and thats it usually take it to my mates garage he does all my work for me always has
Take your mechanic friend with you to dealer
good news the turbo isnt broke its just the intake pipes (whatever that means) parking sensors getting done also but found i have broken one of the springs since last fri, god knows how or were considering ive not been off road at all and no pot holes
good news the turbo isnt broke its just the intake pipes (whatever that means) parking sensors getting done also but found i have broken one of the springs since last fri, god knows how or were considering ive not been off road at all and no pot holes
So dealer is fixing these things ?
no he isnt which isnt good, said springs was fine and its me that broke them and the pipes to the turbo are not covered in the warranty how surprising..
Depending on whether you want to duke it out with the guy, you may find its less effort to change the boost pipes and spring and just get on with it.

The two boost hoses can be had for about £20 for the pair aftermarket, and the springs won't be bad. A tame mechanic will be able to swap them out in no time.

I sympathise, been screwed by a dealer before - but a spring and some hoses is a lot less worse than it could be!
no he isnt which isnt good, said springs was fine and its me that broke them and the pipes to the turbo are not covered in the warranty how surprising..
Dealer is obviously a cowboy and he's fobbed you off.
Cost so far. Service (which they should have done). New turbo pipes, new spring (which should be both), parking sensor, rear window. All this at your own cost for parts and moreover labour.
But if you can't do confrontation

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