I wouldnt suggest posing as a UN vehicle!

Well if I paint FUN on the side, and the F falls off (yea I know I said paint), then I'm not really an imposter, and don't deserve to be shot by The Hezbollah !! (we may be doing Syria :D)

O crap - I just realised we are doing Israel too (they love shooting the UN :eek:)
Mince pie anyone?

Well if I paint FUN on the side, and the F falls off (yea I know I said paint), then I'm not really an imposter, and don't deserve to be shot by The Hezbollah !! (we may be doing Syria :D)

O crap - I just realised we are doing Israel too (they love shooting the UN :eek:)

I dont think Israil has any beef with the UN, other than when the UN askes them kindly to stop killing people. Israil definitly do love shooting Palastinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanese (is that right).

But Israil wouldent actually exhist if they dident. All those countries listed have mounted full scale combined assults to wipe Israil off the map in; 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. Every single time Israil wiped the floor with them and took more land from them fo the effort.

Apparently thats how things work out there. :(
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All those countries listed have mounted full scale compined assults to wipe Israil off the map in; 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. Every single time Israil wiped the floor with them and took more land from them fo the effort.

Yea I know, Israel's foes are pretty stupid. If they just stopped bombing Israeli busses, and rocketing the homes of Israeli civilians, Israel would have to leave Palestine, the weight of world opinions would be so great. But as long as they use terrorism, Israel pretty much has the green light to pound them, and Israel are pretty good pounding Arabs.

But there is still a good chance that if Iran walks all over Barack Obama, and Israel feel threated enough to take on Iran on thier own, we will need factor 10 million sunblock to drive through the middle east :D (sorry I just hijacked this thread to talk politics :doh: )

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