I appriciate the cheaper gas hint but I'll stick with the Argo Shield as I need all the help I can get! The weld you guys were looking at was a butt weld 2nd attempt. If you look to the top of that image you can just make out my 1st go and I blew right through.

Unfortunatly I did not get chance to do any more this afternoon the wife had other plans for me! and no they were not the fun type either!!
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So where are at now with your Disco?

Or you still having welding practice:D

I went from this


To this with my 130A mig set.


All I ever use is pub gas, ok welds and still getting back in the swing of it but loads better than shelling out everytime work needs done!!!
I have not had a lot of time the last week and last weekend I contracted some evil pestilance that tried its hardest to make my insides... outsides! :eek:

I am hoping to do some preping this weekend and maybe some 'real' welding instead of practice! I also ordered up a load of red oxide and chassis paint and the spares for the welder. I also got some 0.6mm wire as well to give it a try. At the moment I have been using 0.8mm.

Your repair certianly looks good! Hopefully I will be able to achieve someting similar. I will of course post updates and photos for mocking and advice! :D

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