
New Member
bein overtaken by anything and everything coming up behind me, also being the cause of a convoy on A roads is rather embarrassing.

Is there a quick cheap fix to get the thing just to keep up with traffic ?
Yeah 2.5 diesel.
how much is a 200tdi gonna set me back and is it somthing i can do outside the house in london ?:)
yer should be able to pick up a rotten disco with a good injun fer £400 - £500.
doubt you can do the swap on the roadside though.

Oddie got one supplied and fitted to his 90, by an independent landy specialist fer a grand.
a grand, cant i just bolt on a tube of niitrous or sumthing, hit a button when the gradient is more than 1 in 100 or somthing
:) ok so what else will i need besides the engine, i had a new bulk head fitted from a later defender, been told mines a csw
k cheers, and do I need any special tools to do the brakes ? I meanbesides what you would use on a normal car ? super sized spanners or such

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