peeps who think they can do an engine swap using only physical strength will never have changed, or tried to move an engine before - a 200 weighs about 270Kg fully dressed (dry) and that weight isn't distributed evenly so it's very unbalanced

if you do decide to do the lifting manually please let me know as i'd like to come and watch - i'm paramedic trained so am well used to the sight of blood and broken limbs so will be able to offer you some help when it goes tits up

i promise not to laugh too much
peeps who think they can do an engine swap using only physical strength will never have changed, or tried to move an engine before - a 200 weighs about 270Kg fully dressed (dry) and that weight isn't distributed evenly so it's very unbalanced

if you do decide to do the lifting manually please let me know as i'd like to come and watch - i'm paramedic trained so am well used to the sight of blood and broken limbs so will be able to offer you some help when it goes tits up

i promise not to laugh too much

I`d manage to bring an Ambulance if you were not that far away!

The Working lights also make it easier to make the Video and the pics

Please take care, find a replacement first and something reliable to lift everything in and out!
PUT yer scaffold over the front wings ,fasten engine to pole ,get the lifting squad on end of poles ,lift steady,you will have to take front panel out mind you ,lift steady ease it forward ,lowering it to the ground will be the dodgy bit,bending ect you will do it if they,r big strong lads,but not recomended,iv,e done it years ago with youth, bull fitness on my side tho.LANDY engines are very heavy ;ie pre war design,all cast iron ,YOU HAVE BIN WARNED,but youth and enthusiasm should prevail careful....dave
I say let them carry on!
It's a test of manly strength they are looking for and the fires in 'em. They've got the will and that's often half the battle.

I would strongly advise you all wear stout, broad belts for your backs, double up on gloves and don't be afraid to say 'fck it' get a crane if it's a bridge too far.

Oh and make sure you film it!
If you pull it off you'll be youtube stars! If not, well best not to think about that too much...
peeps who think they can do an engine swap using only physical strength will never have changed, or tried to move an engine before - a 200 weighs about 270Kg fully dressed (dry) and that weight isn't distributed evenly so it's very unbalanced

if you do decide to do the lifting manually please let me know as i'd like to come and watch - i'm paramedic trained so am well used to the sight of blood and broken limbs so will be able to offer you some help when it goes tits up

i promise not to laugh too much

Cool. If I come along and choke on a chippy while laughing, you can pull a heineken manouver on me.:p:p:p
Cool. If I come along and choke on a chippy while laughing, you can pull a heineken manouver on me.:p:p:p

They sound like stout fellows, if the weathers mild they should show their pedigree and do the job without getting bitter.

Video will be a tonic, unless it gets barred.
have a look at Bobs injun change fred he lashed some scaffold together and hes got pics
peeps who think they can do an engine swap using only physical strength will never have changed, or tried to move an engine before - a 200 weighs about 270Kg fully dressed (dry)
i promise not to laugh too much

Well, together we weigh 350kg, so I reckon the rope thrown over the tree branch should work purfectly :D

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention - the head and ancilliaries have already been removed. It's just the block we'll be lifting.
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o pussys :p

you will be sirprised how much friction a branch will create use a block and some pulleys
IF its just the bare block yer will lift it out o probs, if yer watch any of those london chop shop things, thers one where three pakkies lift a v8 chevy engine and carry it out the workshop and fire it up in the street :D:D they just had a few short loop strops and 2 scaffold poles bout 10 ft long ;) and they wer reet skinny fookers too

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