
Hello all,
So I’m still learning my way around this old gal. I replaced the original carb because it was seeping a bit of petrol past the throttle shaft bushings. It’s a 2.5. with the 32/34 DTML. All was well for about a week until the primary jet clogged so after limping her home I pulled and cleaned the carb, there was trash in it. Right now I’m running dual fuel filters that are clean, (no debris) but I’ve had to pull the carb to clean 3 times in 3 weeks. I deleted the stock air cleaner setup in favor of a cleanable one that bolts right to the carb top eliminating the intake hose that was deteriorating from the inside. 2 days later the primary jet clogs.
I put the old carb back on and all was well for 2 weeks. Then the primary clogs. I’ve figured out I don’t need to tear the whole thing apart, just spray carb cleaner thru the jets as I rev it and it will clear up and be fine for a few days only for the primary jet to clog again. I’m a mechanic my trade and have an old VW with dual Weber’s that are a bit finicky but I’ve never dealt with a fuel delivery that is this picky. Is it just me? Am I missing something? Anyone else had this issue? Sorry for writing a novel.
When you say the jets are blocked what is found? Jelly petrol or pipe breaking down?
Are you still running the (black) swirl pot attached to the bulkhead?

Is there not a small filter on the side of the carb behind large brass bolt?

A quick(dodgy) way of clearing jets is to up the revs a bit & place hand over inlet till it nearly dies. Remove hand fast incase of back fire as you will have petrol on your hand:eek:
The swirl pot (not sure yet what that’s for) is still in use yes. When I bought it the stock in-tank pump was bypassed and an aftermarket universal one installed. I’ve bypassed the factory filter and have a clear filter just after the pump and have added a second filter just ahead of the carb. Both filters are clean with zero debris in them. When the problem occurs, the engine still idles fine. At light throttle (running on the primary barrel) it will just fall on its face. If floor it to open the secondary barrel I can get it home. When this happened with the new carb, I’d take it apart and find little bits of debris (not sure what) in it each time. Both clear filters are clean. When this happened last time after I put the old carb back on, I just revved the crap out of it while spraying carb cleaner into the tops of the jets and it cleared up. I’ve just never had a carb that was so prone to clogging up.
Also have you replaced all the fuel pipe. Could be braking down after the filters.
Are the floats set correctly?

Swirl pot allows the high flow of fuel required to run.
I cleaned the float chamber on the new carb 3 times after this started happening. I completely dismantled the entire thing, 3 times and each time there was debris in there. The last time, the amount of stuff in the bowl didn’t seem out of the norm, but I cleaned it all and put it back together and she was fine for a couple days then same thing. Would start and idle fine, wouldn’t rev until secondary opened up. I put the old carb back on, as it ran OK but was seeping at the throttle shaft. That was fine for about 2 weeks then she did it again. Other than this one intermittent issue she runs like a sewing machine.
I have not replaced all the fuel pipe. The 2 metal pipes that run up the bulkhead are still in use but the OG filter pipes and filter housing have been bypassed. Currently I have an aftermarket electric pump pulling through the stock pump outlet from the tank. The pump has its own filter and there’s a see through filter just after the pump. New rubber hose to that filter to the stock pipes up the bulkhead, another see through filter between the swirl pot and the carb.

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