
Learned folks. My Webasto aux / parking/ Fuel burning heater has stopped working. Tried removing fuse 5 for 30 sec still not working. I want to bridge the front grill temperature sensor to 'force' it on. Is it possible to access the sensor without removing the bumper?
Thanks folks
If its canbus and I'm not sure on the freelander like it is on our 2003 D3 removing g the fuse won't reset it we have to use diag to clear the fbh. They can go into lockout after x3 failed attempts to light.
Why not just remove it, strip it down and give it a good clean out.
Thanks Dave, I dont fancy rolling around on the floor in the current weather removing bumper and bits. If I can reach the external temperature sensor It will give me the ability to force the heater to run, if this doesn't work then I will strip it when the weather improves :)
Unfortunately you need to remove the bumper to access the environment temperature sensor, unless you break out the lower wire mesh.

You can force the FBH to run by application of 12 Volts to pin 3 on the 6 pin control connector on the FBH.
I did this when I fitted a remote to mine. I also used the fan control output on pin 4 too.


I bought the special wires to do this from the owner of the D3 forum, which cost just a few £ at the time.
Thanks Nodge, I had thought to go that way. Ive bought a remote blipper and receiver of ebay for £12, so that should do the trick. I need to read up on the additional fan speed control. :)
I need to read up on the additional fan speed control

It took me ages to work that out, but I've got a crude wiring diagram (I can post it, if you promise not to laugh), but it's pretty easy to activate using a relay on the FBH fan controller output, if you're ok with wiring.
This way the heater booster fan only runs once once the FBH is up to temperature, which saves wasting battery power running the heater booster fan, when it's not going to do anything useful.

There are a couple of things to remember with my wiring method however, first is to set the heater booster fan control to what you want the fan to run at the night before, I found minimum to be perfectly acceptable.
Also if you want to defrost the windows (mine had the HFS), then you'll need to remember to turn the diffuser knob to either of the 2 window positions.
That's great Nodge, yes If You could let me have sight of your wiring diagram I promise not to laugh and would be very grateful. Mine is the HSE so will be interested in the front screen de mister mod.
Thanks again :)
So, ive wired my Thermo top c webasto heater up to a £10 remote control which I can operate from the house prior to entering vehice. It works faultless and will keep firing up until I turn it off, however It is not circulating the coolant so not warming the engine prior to me starting it up. I thought the Top C version has its own integral pump? Could mine be knackered? It is definatly firing up and burning diesel, and works fine with engine running when ambient temperature is low.
I thought the Top C version has its own integral pump? Could mine be knackered?

It does have a pump, which is under the FBH ECM control. However in the Freelander, the FBH pump only circulates the coolant through the heater matrix and back to the FBH, as it's only there to increase heater output when it's cold. ;)
Ah thanks Nodge, so that's why my temperature guage didn't move after 45 minutes of remote fbh operation. The heaters didnt seem to be blowing warm but that could have been me . Thanks again
The heaters didnt seem to be blowing warm but that could have been me . Thanks again

The car heater blower doesn't come on, unless you've wired a control for it to do so. I wired mine to come on when the FBH was up to temperature ( the FBH can power a relay for this tasks), which made my car lovely and warm, and melted any frost too.
Gotcha, what stumped me was that when I fired the car up and turned the blowers on,they didn't seem that warm despite running the FBH for 45 mins, as said though it could have been me thinking as the engine temp guage was cold the blowers were etc... I'll try again. Any chance of a cheeky glimpse of your wiring diagram to connect ro heater relay?
Any chance of a cheeky glimpse of your wiring diagram to connect ro heater relay?

My wiring diagram was literally drawn on a scrap of paper, so I'd be too embarrassed to publish it.:oops:

I am meaning to draw it properly, as another member has also expressed interest in knowing how to make the blower come on with the FBH.

I'll see if I can do it over the weekend. ;)
My wiring diagram was literally drawn on a scrap of paper, so I'd be too embarrassed to publish it.:oops:

I am meaning to draw it properly, as another member has also expressed interest in knowing how to make the blower come on with the FBH.

I'll see if I can do it over the weekend. ;)
Don't worry it was only a year ago I asked :D:D:D, I know I said I wasn't in a hurry......:):):):). I wouldn't worry what the diagram looks like it probably better than anything LR could do;) I'll look forward to seeing it. BTW I didn't realise the FBH didn't heat the engine coolant but it makes sense when the cars w/pump isn't rotating.
Don't worry it was only a year ago I asked

Gee, was it really a year. :eek:
Time just seems to fly these days.
Unfortunately last year was full of bathroom refits, FL2 rebuilds and I started a new job, so time has past at lightning speed. :(
Gee, was it really a year. :eek:
Time just seems to fly these days.
Unfortunately last year was full of bathroom refits, FL2 rebuilds and I started a new job, so time has past at lightning speed. :(
Yeah I'm finding as I approach 60 the weeks/months/years are flying by. I remember you say you had domestic stuff to do & what with your FL2 issues I didn't envy you. I've still got the front suspension to change on the FL but don't seem to find the time especially with the dodgy whether, roll on the spring. All the best.

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