the baron

Active Member
Hi looking for help have worked out cab heater wiring to get that running I know i have to have a +12 volt to pin 3 on socket x of the fbh what i need to know is there already a wire to pin 3 and if so were dose it go or do i have to take the inner splash wing off and fit a wire and pin in the socket:confused:
Hi Baron - when you know all the answers can you post back on here please? I'd like a go at something like this.
Back again just to let people know the wirinng for pin 3gray and green wire which start the fbh comes out the inner wing near the battery this will help in not having to strip the innner splash wing off becouse of all thase horrible phillips screws as i did hope this help if anyone is fitting a remote
Thanks Baron.

What do you do to that wire? Earth or 12v? Is it a case of the FBH fires up while that wire is connected, and dies when disconnected, or is it more like a "toggle" (connect once for on, again for off?)

Hi yes it needs +12 volt ive fitted a relay withe timer board and remote all for a grand total of £36.40 :clap2:
What remote system did you use?

I have my FBH rigged to a switch on the dash. When I flip the switch the FBH starts and the interior heater fan runs too, which warms up the cab and defrosts the windows.
The downside is that I still have to venture out in my jimjams to flip the switch before retreating back to the house. A wee remote system would be ideal.
I know this is an old thread but can anyone post a wiring diagram for fitting a toggle switch to activate the FBH?
I've got an aircraft style toggle switch that I want to fit just to be able to turn the FBH on or off regardless of the temperature outside.

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