id say lre is best of a bad bunch.Ive given up buying em now, they are all ads for ****part and mostly factually incorrect.Better off on here and its cheaper.
i normally get LRO as i like to read it while i am on the bog BUT for a really good magazine i buy Practical Performance Car (out on the last Thursday of the month) it has taken over from where Car & Car Conversions left off

yep that about sums it up unless i'm really bored then i get LRE and LRM just for comparison of course ;)
Not LR specific, but I used to like Off-road and 4x4, but like so many mags the focus shifted with changes of owner/editor/journalists and it lost it's appeal, now it's usually LRM but only if a particular article catches my interest.
LRO seems to be so anti P38 that it's not worth buying it if that's where your interests are. Never much RRC stuff either. It's fine if you like Defenders & Discos.

LRM is better, but only worth buying occasionally.

Just my 2 pence worth.

S'more entertainin on here anyway!

I buy the Overland Journal. Dunt buy too many Landy comics, but I do string together a few lies and crappy snaps for LRM though.

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