
New Member
Hi all
I'm not sure but I think i have a faulty thermostat on my 2002 TD4.

The thermostat will rise to the middle of the display when i'm moving slowly or stopped in traffic but when i'm doing any speed at all the needle drops towards cold. Getting heat to build up inside is very very slow. In the past I had a very similar problem with a 318 that went away once a replacement thermostat was fitted.

Many thanks
Yep sounds like it.

You now have two choices- replace the original thermostat housing (stat included) or fit an inline Renault 5 stat in the top hose. One takes 4-5 hours I'm told, the other took me less than half an hour and works a treat...
According to what I can see it goes in to the top hose with the copper bit facing the engine.

I don't suppose you took any pics to do a quick "How to" thread did you Spacemonkey?
Thanks for the link Spacemonkey. I can't work out if the new thermostat goes at the engine or radiator end of the hose?
THERMOSTAT REPLACEMENT : M47R Diesel Powered Derivatives - 75ZT Community

The thermostat goes in the engine end where you have cut the metal strap from and the copper bulb also faces the engine.

I didn't push mine in as far as in the guide, as the bulb fits nicely into the plastic housing you pull the hose off from. I had a gap of about 3mm or so between the edge of the thermostat and the plastic housing once the hose was replaced. Hope that makes sense?

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