
Active Member

I have a 55plate TD4 HSE. Got in the car today. Put it in reverse and got the normal tone. Reversed back and got a higher pitched tone for about 3 seconds:eek:. The sensors have stopped working. Anybody got any ideas (other than burn it!)


Mine play up too, it could be moisture. I've been told that blasting them with WD40 disperses any water that's in there. Mine are usually bad in wet weather.
An easy check is to put the car in reverse with ignition on and put your ear close up to the sensors, they should produce a fast high pitch clicking noise if one of them isn't producing this noise then that will be a suspect sensor, first thing to do is to check the connectoer at the back of the sensor for corrossion or broken wires......If you have a multimetre check for a 12v supply if all that is ok then your defo looking at a faulty sensor. Simples!!!!
Hi just a thought from a newbie, I have intermittent sensors on mine but I think the problem I have is down to the reverse gear switch because I have noticed at night that my reverse lights don't always come on and the sensors only work when the reverse lights are on,
Thanks MGH. They always beep when I select reverse but from that point on is where it all goes wrong!

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