I know it's your money but cannot for the life of me think why you have bought that instead of a Nanocom.
I agree, I bought a Faultmate and it's brilliant, but the Nanocom was not available at the time. The only plus for the Faultmate on the P38 is the SM035 module.
Out of interest, does the Nanocom or Faultmate offer anything extra for EAS that the EASUnlock software doesn't have/do?
Out of interest, does the Nanocom or Faultmate offer anything extra for EAS that the EASUnlock software doesn't have/do?

Same sort of functionality just easier to use. No laptop to lug around and of course the Nanocom does lots of other things as well. Not just the EAS. For what it costs EASunlock is very good though.
Good to know

MSV2 is designed for professional garage use. Whilst a basic version locked to a VIN number is available for Joe public. The full pro setup for garage use costs many thousands of pounds if you want all the addons.

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